Chapter 4: 7 Minutes In Heaven

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Karli sees Ben parking his bike up next to the curb

Karli: How was the party?

Ben jumps

Ben: Oh god! You scared me!

Karli: Sorry

Ben gets up and faces Karli

Ben: It was fine

Karli could see the disbelief in Ben's eyes

Karli: I bet, liar

Ben sighs

Karli: What happened?

Ben: Me and Josh got drunk. We hopped in the hot tub together and we chilled. We chugged a bottle of beer at one time and we almost kissed! We didn't though and I was mad and I left and before I left, he acted like everything was normal liked nothing happened but something did happen and I left and went home and cried myself to sleep. I then just jerked off to his picture from the party at 1 in the morning

Karli had a time to process all of that

Karli: Ok....ok.....that is um...well---

Ben: How was your night?

Karli: Oh good. Good. We ate and talked and then went to sleep

Ben: Cool. You had fun

Karli: Come on. Cheer up

Ben: *sighs* I'll be fine

Karli hugs him

Karli: You always find a way

Ben smiles and pulls away from Karli

Ben: Lets get inside

Ben and Karli walk inside

: Hey Kar, Kar

Karli turns to see Izzy

Karli: Hey

Izzy: Can we talk?

Ben: Imma go now

Ben walks away fast

Karli: Sure

Karli and Izzy go to a secluded stair case

Izzy: I'm havng someone over with us as well

Karli: Who?

Izzy: Carissa

Karli's mind blacked out

Carissa was another girl Karli liked

Karli: Oh ok cool

Izzy: Alright I just wanted to tell you

Karli: That was it?

Izzy: Yeah

Karli: Oh oh ok

Izzy and Karli left

*Skipped to the end of the day*

Ben walks out of his class

: Hey bro!

Ben: Hey Josh

Ben and Josh start walking down the hallway together

Josh: You enjoy the party

Ben: It was awesome

Josh: You left pretty early

Ben: Yeah. I felt a little ill

Josh: Yeah I bet. I did too. Went to the bathtub and puked my guts out according to Jake

Ben: Damn man. Should've took it easy

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