Chapter 19: Presentation Day

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During Writing Class (two days later)

Kaitlyn: I'm nervous

Karli: We'll be fine

Kaitlyn: How is it at home?

Karli: My mother is still devastated and surprised

Kaitlyn: I understand what he did

Karli: Imma miss him

Kaitlyn: He went to where, Duke?

Karli: Yeah, in North Carolina....that isn't far

Kaitlyn: We live in Tennessee

Karli: That's far

Kaitlyn: Whatever

Dexter and Ben's table----

Ben: You ready?

Dexter: You reading it all

Ben laughs

Josh looked over there, digusted

Dexter: What is with your friend over there?

Ben: Who?

Ben turns to see Josh glancing at him

Ben: You got a problem Joshua!?

Josh: What you say bro?

Dexter: *puts his hand on Ben's shoulder* He's useless

Ben: *angry sigh* Yeah he is

Dexter: What happened?

Ben looks down

Dexter: Y'all two dating or something?

Ben looked up at him with a surprised look

Dexter: I'm gay too...I know that exchange and crap

Ben: Oh.....

Dexter: I knew when I was 12. I had this crush on this boy named Brandon. It was kinda weird...cause we were in the same classes until middle school

Ben: Where is he?

Dexter: He got into a car accident when he was 14, he died

Ben: Why was he driving at 14?

Dexter: His parents didn't give a crap

Ben: That's cold

Josh and Ralph's table

Ralph: You need to calm the hell down Josh, he is just a boy

Josh: I'm his boyfriend!

Ralph: EX! Ex...boyfriend

Josh: I didn't mean to shove him

Ralph: I didn't mean to cheat on my 3 year girlfriend and am I over here crying for her to come back to me, no!

Josh: God...I need to be straight 100%...not just bi

Ralph: Look at that girl over there

Josh looks at her

She has this blonde hair with some dark stripes in them

Wearing a black top that is cut off so you could see her belly button

And dark blue jeans to finish the job

Josh: Damn....

Ralph: That girl, her name is Hanna

Josh: Whoa.....   

Ralph: She hasn't go a boyfriend but...she is not a virgin

Josh: Well that is cool

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