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As I walk away, I received a text from Jacob.

Hey! It's Jacob. We're still here at school. My friend is still talking to his girl.

Okay. I'll be there at 5.

We arrived at this bar Jacob said. It's a bit crowded. The bar is filled with 50% old men. And the other half are students. Jacob ordered the same beer they order when they go here.

"Here, taste it." Jacob handed me a beer.

"O-okay" I took a sip,"I don't know how to explain the taste but it's good!"

After tons of beer I drank, I went out of control. Jacob and his friends were not that drunk because they're used to drinking beer. It's my first time so that's why.

*Jacob's PoV*

Zander is really drunk. He's out of his control! He talks too much, he's so chaotic, he's all over the place! I decided to text Lorraine to get some help.

Hey, Zander is really drunk. We tried to stop him from drinking but the beer is just so good, he can't resist to drink more. We're here at Benny's beer house.

Oh god. I'll be there in 20 minutes.

After 20 minutes, Lorraine finally arrived.

"What happened to him?" She said, worriedly.

"He drank too much beer." I chuckled, "Do you know where his apartment is?"

"Um, no. But I know someone who can help us."

*Lorraine's PoV*

I called Tom because obviously, Zander did something stupid.

Hey, it's me, Lorraine. We're here at Benny's beer house. Zander is all over the place. He's completely drunk.

That kid. Okay, thank you for updating. I'll be there as soon as possible.

After like 10 minutes of waiting, Tom finally arrived.

"What happened to him?!" He was so shocked, "He's legit out of control!"

"That's what I said!" Jacob interrupts.

"For fu—" He stopped, " Can you help me please?"

"Yeah, sure, totally." I replied.

We tried to calm Zander down but he puked at Tom's shirt.

"mISteR sTaRk?" Zander said, "is tHaT YoU? I dOn'T fEEl So GoOD"

"Goodness gracious, Zander!" Tom wiped Zander's puke.

"Thanks for you help Lorraine, but I'll take it from here." Tom said while carrying Zander out of the beer house.

"It's nothing. I better get going too. I didn't asked permission to aunt May that I'd be going out." I said, "Take care!"

*Tom's PoV*

After that, we finally arrived at our apartment. I immediately took Zander to the bathroom because he was going to throw up again. I told him to change his clothes and he quietly did it. I put him to bed and he finally slept.

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