Big night out in the Casino

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As the day draws to a close everyone starts getting ready to go out. CHANTELLE finishes her shift and goes to the front of the Casino to meet LIAM however he is nowhere to be seen! He is stuck at the roulette table with KENNETH.

KENNETH: Hold this for me Liam I'm bosting for a piss!

KENNETH hands LIAM a pot full of chips for him to gamble with.

LIAM: I'm meant to be meeting Telle.


LIAM: The barmaid, Chantelle.

KENNETH: Oh, calm it ging! I'll be two minutes chill out!

LIAM rolls his eyes as KENNETH goes to the toilet. LIAM is left and the roulette table with all the gambling chips so decides to place a little bet whilst he waits. He ends up winning the bet and gets hooked so he starts placing some more bets! LIAM gets so hooked into the game he forgets all about his date with CHANTELLE!

Meanwhile MICK, JANICE and MADGE are getting ready to go out and meet STAN and PETE.

JANICE: Come along we're going to be late!

MADGE: Why do I need to spend a night with Mick's dopey family?

JANICE: Fine don't come.

MICK: Do I need to come?

JANICE: Yes, they're your family!

MADGE: Well I'm not staying up here on my own all night!

JANICE: Then come with us mam.

MADGE: One minute I need a drink first! In fact, I need several drinks before spending the night with Mick's father and dopey Pete watching Magic Marv!

MICK: I'll drink to that!

JANICE: Oi be nice! Besides it's not a magician it's one of them erm mind reader things.

MICK: Hypnotist.

JANICE: A what?

MICK: It's a hypnotist on tonight.

MADGE: What's the fucking difference?

MICK: I dunno? I just booked him cus he's cheap.

JANICE: Well we're going to be late if you pair don't hurry up!

As the Garvey's continue to argue as they head to the theatre. They enter to find STAN and PETE sat at a table with JACQUELINE.


MADGE: What the fuck is she doing here?!

JACQUELINE: Pete and Stan invited me.

MICK: (whispers) Oh great with Jacqueline here she'll have us all hand cuffed to the bed by the end of the night!

JANICE: Shut up!

PETE: Hey Mick you don't mind paying for our theatre ticket's tonight, do you?

MAGDE: Typical!

MICK: What you want us to pay for her as well?

JACQUELINE: Pete and Stan invited me as their guest. This is an all-inclusive night out for me!

MICK: Hmm nice to know they're happy to throw OTHER people's money around.

STAN: Oh, stop being such a tight arse Michael! If you don't want to spear a few quid so we can spend the night out together then sod it! Sod the lot of you!

JANICE: Don't be like that Stan! We'll pay.

MICK: We will?

JANICE: Yeah it should be a fun night.

MADGE: I wouldn't hold your breath!

The Garvey's sit down as the curtains open and smoke fills the stage. Just then an old Italian man with a long, grey, curly moustache appears dressed as a magician. He introduces himself "The Great Hypnotist" and requests a volunteer from the audience. JACQUELINE volunteer's herself and before the hypnotist chooses her she gets up onto the stage.

JACQUELINE: I'll have it ago. They say you need an open mind to allow yourself to get hypnotised and well you don't get more open minded then me.

MADGE: She's got that right!

HYPNOTIST: Stare at the coin, stare directly and the coin. When I count down from 3 and click my fingers, you will be asleep. 3, 2, 1 (clicks fingers)

JACQUELINE: Baa baa baa!

HYPNOTIST: What are you doing you fool? I said you'll be asleep not a sheep! ALSEEP!

JACQUELINE: Oh, that's okay I was nodding off anyway.

Meanwhile whilst the audience were laughing and applauding the hypnotist CHANTELLE gets bored of waiting so decides to go and look for LIAM. She was surprised to find him still on the roulette table making rather huge bets.

CHANTELLE: Liam? What do you think you're doing?

LIAM: ssh hang on a minute I just need to place this bet.

CHANTELLE: Clearly this roulette table is more important than our date!

LIAM: Calm down I'm about to win big money.

CHANTELLE: I thought you were different...

LIAM: Hold that thought I really need to place a bet now.

LIAM places all his money on red at the roulette table spins.

CHANTELLE: Urgh you're just the same as the rest of them!

CHANTELLE slaps LIAM and storms off! As she walks away the roulette table lands on black meaning LIAM has lost all of KENNETH's money! Just then KENNETH comes out the toilets and apologies for being longer then her expected.

KENNETH: I am sorry I took a bit longer than expected. I ended up needing to squeeze one out. Ah well no harm done, right?

Back in the theatre the Hypnotist takes his bow. He then announces that he can hypnotize anyone which gives STAN an idea. STAN asks the Hypnotist to hypnotize MICK. As the Hypnotist put's MICK under a trance STAN commands him to sign a dotted line saying that he will pay off all of PETE's debts!

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