Burned (a Roy x Ed fanfiction)

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Roy yelled louder and louder, nearly continuously as he pulls against his newly placed chains.

Envy laughs. "What's the matter, don't you like them?" He said pointing at the shackles around Roy's wrists and feet similar to Ed's but more lean and not so tight. Roy gulped and kicked furiously more. "Aw, calm down will ya? I've been watching you two. Didn't even notice how close you're getting to each other, until what? Now?"

Roy yelled more, still unwilling to give in, he'd never give up. Not until he was free, rescued Ed and made things right between them, and Envy had been killed. "Stop it!!!" He screamed at Envy. Clearly to no use.

"Not. A. Chance." He said teasingly, he made his way back to the box. "What first, you wanna pick?" envy hissed, looking at the box and Roy. This only made Roy struggle harder.

Envy stopped waiting for an answer and picked up a small needle with a light blue liquid in it. "This?" He said laughing to himself more.

Ed couldn't take it anymore, he was scared and wanted... He wanted Roy. He wanted Roy to save him. "N-no!" Ed screeched, he hadn't meant to say anything, it just slipped out. Why was he so scared?

Roy stopped yelling, he was now staring at Ed with pity, he couldn't help him, not without Riza. "Don't do this to him please Envy." Roy begged, something he never thought he'd do.

Envy laughed again, flicking the side of the needle and watched the bubbles find there way to the surface. "Hm, but that just makes me want to do it more"

Roy struggled more against the restraints with no success, he was terrified for the young blonde. He knew Envy was angry, no fucking pissed about the relationship Ed and Roy had been blindly building. Envy was going to make them pay for that, but the only question was, who was it going to hurt more ?

Roy had to watch his love be tortured by a humunclus and do unthinkable things to him, leaving various scars and damage both physically and mentally for the young boy. Ed on the other hand had to actually endure it all, he had to watch, feel, and suffer very last thing the twisted palm-tree had ready, which by the looks of it wasn't good.

Envy stepped up close to the shaking Edward, there faces but a few inches apart from one another. "Now don't worry, this stuff isn't the real 'bad' stuff." He hissed in Edwards ear, sending a chill down Ed's spine. "I'm saving all that for later. This'll just lighten the mood a bit eh?" He said squirting a bit if the liquid teasingly at Ed.

Roy continued his fight to break free, but honestly paused in terror at what the stuff in the needle was and would do as Envy carefully slid it into Ed's wrist.

Ed flinched as the tiny needle slid deep into his soft, pale skin. He watched intensely and helplessly as Envy held one hand over Ed's mouth and used the other to push the liquid from the syringe into Ed's body. The liquid stung almost immediately after it went in, Ed struggled and threw his head back gasping in pain.

"Envy stop it!!!" Roy barked yet again.

Envy's grin grew wider. "Now, why would I do that? You worthless piece if shit, calm down." Envy said. Roy didn't listen to Envy, he just continued struggling while mumbling for him to let Ed go. "This stuff just makes him a bit, er cloudy so to speak." He mocked as he pulled out the needle, and put a gag on Ed.

"What'd you do to him?!" Roy stormed, his voice strong and serious.

"Hm, just dazed him a bit... He might be a bit out of it but, it also enhances sensitivity to the central nervous system." He said as he Chucked the needle over his shoulder carelessly. "meaning everything I do, he'll feel even better. Just think of it as perpetration."

Roy's jaw dropped, how long had Envy been planning this out? The thought was very disturbing to roy, his wrists and ankles were sore and bloody from struggling and now he was slumped there watching as the very clearly drudged Ed lifted his head, he looked so scared.

"Now then edo, what next next?" Envy said, picking up a scalpel. He knew Ed's smaller body wouldn't be able to handle that large a dosage of that substance well, he couldn't wait.

"P-please, please Envy..." Ed whimpered into the tight gag around his mouth, his eyes wide with fear. Envy payed no attention, and he began cutting. Ed's screams echoed loudly through the building despite the gag.

After twenty minuets it so Roy shuddered as he watched his love fall into a dark, drugged sleep, screaming finally stoping as several blood tainted tears streamed down the blondes face.

Authors note: daw, that was sadness and evil:( who wants more of that and who wants some cuteness? I can't decide vote in the comments! Thanks:)

Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

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