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Were the last words that played through my head. I had to get out of there I just had to

Its cold and wet. The tree I'm laying under while hugging my knees is not enough to shelter me from the rain

I'll probably die of hyperthermia, scrap that! It'll probably be over bleeding.

I looked down at my torn clothes and bruised tattered body.

I stared at my blood coated hands and began to remember.

That place was horrible. I was , constantly being used for experimentations! It's a miracle I got out alive

I can still remember his words
'In this world it's kill or be killed. Hope makes you soft. It'll will lead you to your death. Therefore one must lose hope!'

Lose hope!



I can't lose hope! Its......its all I have left! They took every thing away from me! They killed them all.


Its all I've been doing. Afraid! I never stopped until now. I haven't slept or eaten in days. I've been constantly running.

Can't this all just end!

I haven't eaten in days. My clothes are torn. My body feels so weak!

Lost Hope (Soul Eater Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now