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Name: Naru Tomoe

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Height: 5'9

Birthday: July 18


Eyes: Blood red and thick lashes

Hair: Greyish-white. Long but spikes up above her shoulders.

Positive: caring, brave. Puts others above her self. Hard working, intelligent plus a fast learner.😉

Negative: sadist, doesn't work well with others( believes she can do it on her own) , burries her emotions. Hot tempered( at times) smartass etc

Normal: Expressionless/bored
Likes: chocolates, happy stuff....(plus whatever you think she should like. You can add yours if you wanna•_•)

Dislikes:  people in general, betrayal's, spicey stuff, the dark

Fears: 'HIM' ,  the Dark!!

Hobbies: reading, staring at clouds, thinking, training and just being alone


Parents: Dead

Foster parent: Hakaru Tomoe (dead)


Boys? Pending•°•°~


School: DWMA

Active: alive

Occupation: students


Weapon: none

Meister: none

Naru is a mature teenager with a slender body. Average height. Normal outfit consist of black chocker, Grey tank top with black shorts. Tights underneath with ankle boots. Sometimes she adds a blood red cloak with white flames (pic above)

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