24 0 0

Getting out of class after the bell rang for lunch break was easier that expected.

Mainly caused I was expecting either one of someone from team idiots to drag me around with them but the fact I got away is a miracle.

Let's just hope it can stay that way.

Next period, Stein says we are going to have sparring matches.
Well in my opinion that should be the most reasonable thing that has happened today.  I was starting to think DWMA was dumb because Stein just dissected the animal all day.

Poor animal.

Making my way up to the roof away from human existence was pretty easy.

I calmly sat down at a corner,  the wind blew against my face, as I watched the clouds chase after each other.

My sharp red eyes dulled as I hugged my knees closer to my chest.

Why would they do this to me?

All I want, or pheraps all I ever wanted was a normal life with my family.  Tou-san,  Caa-san, Nii-san and me.

Couldnt fate have been less cruel.?

Mom and Dad are dead,  I have no idea where my brother is and now I'm.....

Or more accurately been turned into what anyone would describe as a monster.

Its a miracle I haven't gone insane.  Any other person would be dead by now or under the toughest rehab centers.

Most times I wonder why I'm alive though.  My uncle always said he wondered why my parents had gone through the trouble of giving birth to a mutt like me.
He always said that my parents should have gotten rid of me when they had the chance.
Cause he believed that Nii-san was more than enough for  them.

In general my uncle hated females.  And the fact that I was never really skilled with the sword unlike most of my other family members angered him more.

He said and I quote :

  "Your a useless disgrace to our family name!

I have no idea why my brother kept such a worthless mutt like you.  You can't even use a sword blade properly!

Listen to me and listen good.  You'll never be anything like your brother.

He was born luky.  You should thank the stars that

'You were lucky to be born'


sighed letting out a shaky breath.

Looking back up at a cloud. 
I wish we were like clouds.  They are so free and bounce around up there in the air, without a care in the world.

Patty reminds me a lot about clouds.  She's always so happy and bubbly.

"Some thing I can never be again eh? " I said as I raised my head and moved it a little to the right, a bullet brushed past my cheek as it dented the wall behind me.

My eyes remaid ever cold, face ever blank as I stared at the wall.

My wound from last night hasn't fully healed so I won't be able to go all out.

But to my advantage this oversized sweater will be able to hide what weapon I'd turn my hand into,  giving me the element of surprise.

Standing up, walking to the middle of the roof as my eyes scanned the corners warily.
For all I know the enemy my come from either on of the sides-

"Gahuh" I grunted as I stumbled forward. My right arm stabbed with a knife that went right through it.

My yellow sweater was beginning to get stained with crimsons liquid as it soaked and fell down my arm creating a puddle of blood.

Grunting as I used my left arm to support it.

Then they decided to make their move.

From the two sides of the walls two kishens emerged,  both charging towards me.

Abdominal wound and Shoulder wound.  Well this day just keeps getting better

Suppressing the pain and the fact that I have a blade sticking threw my arm,  I quickly jumped into the air a narrow excape.

Turning my left arm into a gigantic synthe blade,  I sloppily tumbled out of the sky,  blood splatering everywhere.

Swooping down as I cut through the two of them landing on the other side on my knees.  Their blood smering my silver synthe arm blade.

Turing my arm back to normal,  I noticed my sweater was practically soaked in blood.

This is the second katana I've had to pull out of my body this week.

I thought as I placed a hand in the blade and quickly pulled it out.

I heard a bone breaking shifting sound,  as I grunted in pain and fell on my knees into a pool of my own blood.

I'm pretty sure that shoulder is dislocated

My breathing increased greatly, as more blood poured rapidly out of my shoulder.

My head began to feel faint.   My gray hair was tainted in my in my blood so it had red blotches.  My porcelain white smooth pale skin, was an eyesore.  I was an eyesore.

Reeking of blood and covered in dirt.  This reminds me a lot of that-

No no not now Naru!  Now is the time to stop the bleeding before you end up in some sort of coma.

Quickly taking off my socks,  I turned my good hand into a Katana blade ripping them.  Taking a piece in my mouth while using my left arm to attatch the other sock,  I was able to make a make shift sock bandage.
Raising up the blood soaked sweater,  I used my socks to bandage my right arm.

I breathed a sigh of relief, as I propped my back against the wall of the roof.
I know that won't be enough to stop the bleeding but it should be able to buy me some time... right?.  To like find a doctor or that hospital place..
My toes curled around each other,  like searching for warmth.

I saw the weird sun laughing at me.

I sighed gripping my arm as I looked at the kishen souls that where floating.

Now the question is..

Why are they here, or more accurately who sent them.

••[Stomach growl] ••

True,  lunch.

"A-A-Are Y-you..... okay? "

Meanwhile :

"Hey has anyone seen Naru?"

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