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"Naru are you sure you wanna go into class.... Like that" Liz said pointing to my feet

"Yes I agree! " Kid said folding his arms "its asymmetrical! "

"Yes Naru.  I have spare shoes you can borrow " Maka said.

"And I don't think its very comfortable to go without shoes! " Soul said.

Tsubaki nodded her head too.  Blackstar was already in class or something.

My face remained ever blank as I looked at them.  Yes my clothes had been destroyed by Lord deaths assistants so I borrowed shorts from Patty and an oversized yellow sweater from Maka. 

And then Kid did emergency shopping before we made it to school cause we're late.

But I don't particularly care.
But now they are all... I should say concerned cause I refused to wear shoes.

Welp my last un destroyed set of clothes and ankle boots are at Souls and I'm pretty sure my feet have reaction to shoes that aren't ankle boots.

Just my way of saying.

I don't want to wear shoes!.

Besides its not like the first time I'm beign shoeless, I mean I hated wearing shoes from when I was a kid.

It was Hakaru who forced me into wearing ankle boots. 

They are the only shoes I've ever worn and will ever wear.

Well anyways,  I didn't pay any attention to them as I stared in front of the class I'm supposedly in.

E. A. T

That's what they called it.

Something about advanced.

But now that I think of it,  Lord death said he was going to asses me here.

Like skill wise..


When will he learn that these children are in no way close to my level?

Walking through the door of the class room even against the pleas of the others not to do so because I was wearing no shoes I still entered anyways.

Only to be greeted with awkward glances, whispering and an annoyed Stein and a half dead Blackstar on the floor.

I sighed.

The others came in from behind me and proceeded to their seats.

So I was all left standing next to Stein who said.

"Your late"

I looked at him face blank.

But he read right through me.

That was my way of saying

I don't care.

He sighed before turning around on his wheely chair and addressing the class.

"So everyone, This is our new student. " Turning to me "yeah go on  and introduce yourself "

I mentally sighed.

Was this really nesessesry?

Moving forward to the middle of the class I said

"Naru.  Naru Tomoe "

"Is that all" a random person said.

"Yea.  She looks to weak to be here" Random person no 2

Kid, Soul and the others exchanged glances.

"I mean look at her clothes!  She isn't even wearing any shoes!  Are you some kind of joke" Random person no3

"I bet I could take her on.  She doesn't look so tough.  I bet thats why she didn't say if she was a Miester or weapon, Shes probably too chicken! " Random person no 4 told random person no2

"Hey won't you say anything! " another person said.

"She's even too fraid to speak what a loser! " another person jeered.

I'm about to lose patience.

Soul and the others were already on their feet telling the others to shut  up.

At a point one of them threw a paper ball at my face which I gracefully dodged catching it with the back of my palm sending it flying back with force at the person.

That paper is going to leave a mark

As I predicted, it knocked him out of his seat.  He stood up rubbing his cheek, it was red and swollen.

He glared at me.

The whole place quieted down as everyone looked at me.
My face remaining ever blank.
Soul and the others gave a smirk of victory.


Stein rolled up to my side, lighting a cigarette in his mouth as he came.  His arms were flung over the back of his chair and his chin rested on the back if his chair as well.

Adjusting his glasses and the insane screw in his head he said to the class.

"Try not to provoke Dear old Naru here.  Despite her looks she's far more advanced than some of you may ever be.  If I was to rank her I'd say 2 or maybe a three star? " he shrugged but went on after the many gaspes in the class room "Naru please once again introduce yourself. And this time Not just your name. " he ended sweat dropping

I sighed.

E. A. T eh.

This is supposed to be the most advanced class right?

To be honest they are acting like premature pre-teens.
And here I thought there where actually smart mature  people in the world.

I'm not giving up on the thought yet.   Out of the comer of my eye I saw a boy.. Well he looks like a boy with pink hair and a weird doll  on his back.

He seems pretty mature, maybe the world still has hope.

So anyways, facing the class once again

"As you may Know my name is Naru Tomoe.  I do not have a weapon nor Miester. 
I do not need them.
I am not a normal either " my voice was calm and smooth, my eye's were cold and my face blank.  I earned confused glances from the class  "I am a weapon and a Miester at the same time... I'm not. "

I got a lot gaspeses

Before random no3 choked out

"Then wh-who are you? "

"Annoy me and I shall kill you " he immediately flinched back " I hope DWMA is not boring. " I ended.

Maka and the others exchanged nervous glances.

Well I just succeeded in making Maka more suspicious.   At least I know what to do if she confronts me.

Stein sighed as he brought out a caged bird.  "Go and take a seat.  Today we'll be-"

I walked up and took a seat next to Patty who squeezed the life out of my arm.

She kept ranting on how badass I was.  In my opinion I wasn't badass at all.  I just told them the truth.

If they annoy me,  I will kill them.

Stein continued dissecting the bird.

I yawned.

I'm pretty sure I'm next...

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