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*knock * knock*

The door creeked open and out popped Soul's head.

His eyes widened for a second while his hand tightly gripped the door as he muttered

"Oh.... Its you"

My face grew blank, my eyes almost liding as I felt something rush through me.

Guilt maybe?

I wouldn't know. I've been suppressing my emotions for years.

But I get the feeling he doesn't want to see me... I gave a quick glance at the bandage on his neck.


Maybe I went to far with them in the spar...

I bit my inner cheek as the wind blew my greyish white bangs.
Today I just wore a simple yellow hoodie and black tights.
No shoes.

"I didn't mean to bother you. I'll leave now"

I said blankly, turning to leave.


He said grabbing my hand, I felt his skin against my abnormally cold finger's. So warm....

I sighed.

Turning around, Soul gave a slight smile inviting me on his house.

I nodded and entered.

This is not the first time of me being here.
But even still I looked around as s if I was in a completely new environment.

I just like observing things from time to time.

Today, is a public holiday meaning we all get a day off from school.

Patty tried to drag me to follow her and the others to the mall, while Liz kept on saying something about lip gloss and nail paint slash price sales.

I sighed.

I hate crowds so I told them bluntly


I think everyone is going.

Liz and Patty thought I'd get lonely by myself.

That is half of the reason why I'm here though at Soul's house or should I say his and Maka's apartment.

"So what's up? "

Soul said trying to start up a conversation...

I blinked. I'm not really sure what to say..

I opened my mouth to speak-


And there it is folks...

The sudden wave of hostility.

Maybe they all decided to start greeting me this way.
Similar to the sheets and hostility my uncle gave me as a child..


"Come in. Chitoka did you...

"Um its not Ch-Chitoka san its-

"Oh... It's you.. "

I shook my head..
What made me actually hope that they'd be different...
What made me think it would be so easy for them to

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