Author's Note: P.S. I love you guys!

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Okay, sorry to get your hopes up with this notification. It isn't a new chapter...I just felt that I needed to make this a thing dedicated to its own personal chapter. So here it goes:

Lately, I have been getting so many notifications that people are adding this story to reading lists and new people are voting on the chapters and there are even a few new people who have joined the party down in the comments. I cannot express to you guys how much this all means to me. I do my best to make this story as good as I can and I'm loving writing it. So much. But no matter how much work I put into this book, I don't feel like I deserve all of the love and support shown to me by you all.

Seriously...I'm just a nobody with a computer and a wattpad account. There are so many other accounts and fanfictions you guys could read, yet you chose mine and you choose to stick with the story and with me. It's mind-boggling. I cannot express to you my gratitude for each and every one of you. I try to go to you all personally and thank you for adding the book, or voting on it. And if you comment, I always do my best to respond. I'm sure there are some of you guys who I missed the notification for and didn't have the opportunity to thank you personally. And then there are those of you who just stalk me without giving me any clues that you're out there. This is my thank you to you guys, too. I apologize that I'm not able to get every single one of you personally. I wish I could.

This book is all becuase of you guys. I would be nowhere without my beautiful and lovely readers. This book has gained traction because you amazing people that add the story, vote on it, comment on guys are what bump up the stats and make it better known.

I've noticed just how much some of you are invested in the story with the last chapter I uploaded. I can't tell you how happy it made me to see some of you interact together in the comments with theories. And then some of you expressing your excitement for the next's almost too much to take in. How did I get blessed with such amazing readers? Some of which I'm glad to say have become my friends.

Please, guys, if you can, keep up the comments. I would take comments over votes any day (not that I don't LOVE the votes because I do). But when you comment, it gives me the chance to see what needs improving or where you think the story should go. Not that I'll always follow your ideas, but I do enjoy seeing them. Plus, when you comment, it gives me the chance to interact with you and get to know you. That's my favorite part about this book. There are my faithful few who I have mentioned a few other times, and they know who they are, that comment on every chapter. I've had the amazing opportunity to build friendships with those few. I just love the comments because I get to talk to you guys and hear your thoughts. PLus it's really awesome to see when you all talk through ideas together.

I hope I never let you guys down or make you feel like I don't care about you. I strive to be sure to let each one of you know how much you mean to me individually. The day you guys start wondering if I still care is the day someone needs to beat me upside the head with a brick. Seriously, if you guys ever feel like I'm slipping as an author friend, let me know. I've experienced too many writers on here that just don't seem to care about the people who support them. I never want to be that person.

All of this rambling to say, I love you guys. I really do. Hopefully, I didn't take up too much of your time with this note, but I had to do this. I needed you all to know my thoughts and how much I appreciate you. Random notes at the end of the chapters just didn't seem to be doing justice.

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