A/N: You guys are amazing!!

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Do you see this???? You've all helped Home actually get ranked! That's incredible!!! I almost cried when I saw that. I've always hoped I'd have a book good enough to be rankwdd, but I honestly never thought it would happen. It's all because of you, my amazing readers. This couldn't have happened without all of your continued support in this process.
I so don't deserve this. And I don't deserve to have so many of you love this book as much as you do. I'm just a girl with a laptop and a love for writing. There's so many other people with the same passion and far better skills than me that deserve way more recognition than me, yet somehow they don't get it, and I do. I'm so thankful to all of you for allowing me that privilege. Because not only is Home now ranked, which is a dream come true, but the number of reads and votes it has is outstanding.
Anytime anything positive happens to this book, it's so important to me and for me, but I want you all to be just as excited as me. This is your story too. I wouldn't be where I am without you. That and some of you have even helped me with ideas and helped me develop different directions that we're much more fun to write than what I was planning. So yes, I may be the writer, but you guys give this story life.
Thank you for all you do for me, and for supporting me. I hope we can see this book climb higher in the charts. I'm just selfish and think it would be amazing to see.
I love you all very very much, both my old readers that have been there and that I've had the opportunity to get to know before this book actually got kind of popular, and the newer readers, who ifortunately don't have as much time to interact with now that there are so many readers and supporters.
Just now that no matter who you are, even if I don't make it to your profile to thank you, I appreciate you and you matter to me.
Again. I love you all and can never express my thanks enough.

And I am done rambling now...

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