A/N: Let's Talk :)

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So, I don't know what you would all think of this, but I've been playing around with the idea of just posting a random chapter on my off weeks when I'm on a mini hiatus. It would have not nuch to do with the story, but honestly I just miss talking to you guys.
Interaction on the chapters has been down lately, which means I don't talk to you guys. I can't if I don't know you're reading, and...i dunno. When this book was young, there was a little group that was so faithful to read and comment, and all of us became friends through it.
I really miss getting that interaction with my readers and I miss seeing you guys interact with one another.
All of that basically to say, what are your thoughts on a conversational chapter? It won't be story content. It will just be for us and you guys to get together every other week and discuss the book, maybe what you hope to see, or where you think it's going, or what twists you think might happen.
Doing this would also help me as an author because I could see what you're all thinking. It may even g elp for those times that I don't know what to write next. Basically I'm just trying to rebuild the family that reads this story, because to me we're all family. "Family don't end in blood."
I'm rambling again... so yeah, could you guys give me your thoughts on this?

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