Chapter 45

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My eyes widened in disbelief. How could Leclair know about Lucas and Nick's fight? Their history? I'd only found out the truth of it all in the last two days.

Before I could stutter a response, Leclair continued, "Now, I don't expect a seventeen-year-old child to solve this issue with their own two hands, despite how powerful those hands might be. I've called down a higher authority to manage the situation before it can endanger any other students."

A high enough authority to manage an angel and a demon? Who – or what - could it possibly be? "What kind of higher authority?"

She kept glancing out the window, a mournful expression marring her ageless features. "The angels are the only power I know of equipped to handle the situation's precarious nature without causing further damage. Lucas and Anikriel will be forced to leave Faith Heights permanently. And this is where you come into the unfortunate equation." 

Leclair moved to the chair behind her desk and sat with sharp posture, a wounded look in her eyes. "Since one part of the equation happens to be your professed soulmate, I expect that you will accompany them when they leave."

"Leave? Are you expelling me?" It sounded more like a banishment. 

Leclair sighed. "It gives me no pleasure to put you in this position. If you so wish, I can offer you a continued place here at the academy But until you graduate, there will be no allowed contact whatsoever with either of those boys."

If Leclair was calling Lucas and Nick boys, then she must have been older than I'd even dreamed of. 

Leave Faith Heights, or leave Nick. I should have known the choice would be coming, ever since I found out the truth of what he was. Either way, my life with my family and friends was over.

My brain, logical and steady, was screaming at me to stay at Faith Heights. Education above all else. I could follow The Plan. Graduate high school, attend a nice university, and find a promising internship. Then open up my own business. It was all laid out, simple and structured. I could stick to the plan I'd had laid out for years, and pray that I'd never give this supernatural tornado of a school a second thought.

Or I could stay with Nick.

Now that I'd met him, I knew I couldn't... just leave. There would have been no choice before I'd met Nick. Between my planned future and love, there had never been a choice.

And, I realised, there still wasn't one now. It just wasn't the choice I'd expected I'd make.

"I'll leave." I whispered, a litte coarsely. "How long do I have?"

Leclair's eyes turned wide and sorrowful, yet as if she'd known which fate I'd choose. "However long your companions will wait for you. But I advise that you pack quickly. This isn't an expulsion. It is an evacuation."

"What do you mean?"

Leclair glanced back to the window, as if she expected the sun to fall from the sky. "I called down the angels because I thought they would offer the only solution to this problem that didn't tarnish the school's reputation. An angel has acted irresponsibly, so I informed Lucas Archer's superiors. But the angels usually move at their own pace, as slowly as suits their whims. It should have taken months for them to agree to assist in my request.

"But the angels I spoke with have agreed to be here on school grounds within the next week. In my lifetime, I've never heard of them undertaking such a feat. I am unsettled by their urgency, to say the least. If you cannot be packed and ready to leave within a few days, then I suggest that you make an effort to keep a particularly low profile. Attend classes promptly, train with Lydia, and return straight to your dorm. Keep yourself safe." It was a mixture of an instruction and a plea.

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