Part 4/บทที่4

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Arthit's POV

"Kids! Time for bed!" I shouted from the living room.

"Mom! We wont sleep until you tell us the story! What did grandpa say to you!?" Dao asked pouting while looking at his mom

"Fine fine, but you will go to your bed after alright?" I asked with a stern voice and they both nodded.

They both run to their room, with me behind them.

I tucked them in and sat down next to them, even if they are 15 years old, they still want me to put them to sleep. That's how much they love us.


Khun Krekkai and I went out of the office, with me being so nervous about what he wants to talk about.

"Arthit, you are a close friend of my son, right?" He asked me slowly and I nodded.

"Are you attending his graduation?" Khun Krekkai asked.

With his question, a sigh of relief escaped my mouth.

"Ahm, yes, Sir. I will be attending his graduation since I was their head hazer before."

He nodded at my answer and clasped my back,

I smiled at him and he did as well. We both went back inside after talking and I can see how my officemates were being curious.

I waved them off telling them to get back to their own posts before doing it myself.


It's already the day that my boyfriend will graduate. As usual, I entered the campus with my friends. We are still the same as before, the feared hazers of our school.

"Oon!" Kongpob's voice was heard and we all turned our heads towards the voice, a crimson blush on my cheeks. I can see how my friends are looking at me teasingly just because of the nickname Kong gave me.

"Kong, congratulations for graduating," I said and a smile on my face flashed as i said those words. I really am proud of him.

"Oi! Arthit! Why does your boyfriend have no gift huh? Thinking of a fun night?" Prem asked winking cheekily at them

"Probably in their bedroom later..." Bright second smirking at his joke.

"Be careful guys, dont be too loud Ai'Arthit okay?" Toota added.

Thats it! I glared at them and punch them on their shoulders "Ai'Arthit stop it. It's no use if you keep punching them, they will just keep being stupid," Knott said earning a protest from the other three.

I shook my head at this and leans in to kiss Kongpob's cheeks.

"We are going on our date tonight," I whispered and he smiled nodding.

Of course, I do have a gift for my boyfriend but I am not showing it to those idiots.

They went to their respective fahn leaving me with mine. I sighed, looks down, and said to Kong, "I also have a present for you."

I looked up and saw Kongpob smiling widely before pulling me in for a kiss.

I kissed back, my hands fisting on his shirt. I feel like my legs are about to give up.


"Kong, have you thought of where you would be going to work?" I asked looking at him and he nodded.

Once we reached the restaurant, we sat on our usual spot and ate. We were happily eating, talking about anything and everything. I just don't want this night to end.


After eating we went back to my dorm. We haven't even open my room yet when Kong pushed me on the wall. Luckily, there are no passers-by in the hallway since its pretty late already.

I kissed him back passionately. He bit my lower lips making me moan softly. My hands tangled on his hair pulling him closer.

"Arthit?" We stopped, the voice is deep. I know exactly who it was, and I pray to God this will work out.

"" I looked at their wide eyes, Kongpob next to me, holding my hand to calm me down.

End of Flashback


"Alright kids, its late. You have school tomorrow."

Kongpob's voice boomed in the small room making the twins whine at the interruption once again.

"What did grandma and grandpa say??" Jan asked, his voice laced with sleep already.

With that I left with Kongpob following me after bidding our kids goodnight.

"We raised them well..didn't we?" Kongpob asked laying down on our bed

"We did..."


Why are they always cockblocked! Gaah!! Anyway, Arthit's parents made an appearance. Oh no! What will happen?

What do you guys think wil happen now? Will they be accepted or not?

Anyways! Guys, I will be on vacation for two weeks so I don't know when I can update another chapter but I promise I will try.



Chapter 4 is done! Chapter 5 will be up soon. Thank you guys 💖


Likes and Comments are highly appreciated 💖

Follow me and the story to be updated! I will try my best to update as soon as possible.





Shoutout to: krischun13 for proof reading my story 😄 Thank you P! ขอบคุณครับ


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