Part 8/บทที่8

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"Ma, Pa," Arthit said smiling when Kongpob's parents hugged him.

"Grandma! Grandpa!" Dae and Jan said simultaenously hugging their grandparents.

"Mae, Por, sit down. I'll fix your food," Kongpob added going to the kitchen.

"Grandpa, Ma was telling us about the accident... Can you please tell us?" Jan asked with a pout.

"How about your, Ma tell us?" Their grandpa smiled looking at Arthit.




Kongpob and Arthit hurrily went to the hospital. Their heart pumping, scared. However, the moment they entered the hospital Kongpob run faster, disappearing, making Arthit confuse.

The hospital light dimmed and a path shining towards the emergency room. He was scared, yes, but Bright came out of the room holding out a big flower for him. Arthit frowned taking it, really weirded out with what is happening. 

"What the! Hey!" He was shocked when someone covered his eyes. 

"Arthit, just trust us," Knott's voice was heard next to his ears.

Arthit followed. Knott, well, let Knott lead the way since he is blindfolded. He felt that they entered a car and his confusion was really on a high level.

He tried to keep questioning Knott but he never answered. He was pouting all throughout the ride, still worried about Kongpob's parents.

Once they have arrived at their destination, Knott opened the blindfold and gave Arthit a letter before leaving him alone.

"HEY!! AI"KNOTT!!" Arthit shouted asking Knott to come back. He is infront of their damn alma mater. 

He sighed and opened the letter, frowning once again seeing his boyfriend's hand writing.

"P'Arthit khrup, remember the bench you first saw me? i was glad you helped me with it P'. You helped me realize that I would love engineering too.  Please go to the bench okay?"

Arthit folded the paper and followed the instruction on the letter, heading to the bench. He was shocked seeing a flower on top of it and a juice, the exact same juice that he gave Kongpob before. It also has a letter. He took the flower and the juice before opening it.

"Thank you P' for giving me a name tag before. I know how important it is to us. Thank you for being a great head hazer. Go to my own locker P'."

He tried to remember which locker it was. Once he did, he immediately hurried. He laughed seeing a name tag posted in it. His own name tag. He again took the letter and opened it.

"Go to the place where you cried before P'." 


"I didn't cry!" Arthit mumbled to himself before going to that tree. Another note is posted.

"I hated seeing you cry P'. I just wanted to wipe your tears away, Don't worry it's about to end soon okay? Just keep following the path.

Our Lives: A Kongpob and Arthit StoryWhere stories live. Discover now