Part 13

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Mark had never seen Sean fly and it would have been a beautiful sight. Except that Anti's gleaming green eye and bat like wing made him look more terrifying to look at. Anti glided over to them, hovering over the ground as the agents turned their guns toward him. Mark glanced between them, trying to figure out if he should try to stop them. The leader of the agents slowly inched toward Mark as Anti watched the other agents with narrowed eyes. The second one of the agents fired their gun, Anti's hand shot out to slow the dart down before it reached his palm. The other agents lowered their guns in horror, while Anti let out a distorted chuckle and turned his hand palm up to shoot the dart back at the agent. The dart whizzed back and shot cleanly through the mans throat, forcing him to his knees. 

The other agents lifted their arms to press something on their watches, causing large glowing shields of pure white light to emerge. The agent closest to Mark kneeled, telling him quickly. "We don't have a lot of time. You need to contain him". Mark turned accusing eyes on the man, snapping back. "Why should I?! You're trying to kill him"! The agent removed a long leather case from his pocket, stating out seriously. "We aren't trying to kill him, I promise! But look what he is doing? Help us"! Anti landed on the ground gracefully, walking toward the agents, chuckling out. "Nice toys. They won't save you". The agent handed the long leather box to Mark, stating out firmly. "He's powers are growing too quickly. We can't fight him alone"! Mark accepted the box, but spouted out heatedly. "I thought you guys knew how to handle Angels"?

The agent glanced toward Anti, saying honestly. "Arch-Angels, yes. But they've never had to deal with an Angel of death before". Anti lunged for the group of agents, slamming into their light shields with enough force to knock them off their feet. Anti tried to grab an agents leg and missed as the agent quickly scrambled away. The second Anti's hand touched the grass where the mans leg had been... The grass instantly turned brown and died. The agent took a hold of Mark's shoulder briefly, telling him. "Only you can get close enough to him. We just want to help him get this under control... Otherwise... You may be the only human left on earth". Mark wanted to ask more, but found himself at a loss for words. He had turned to look into the agents eyes and became speechless. The agent... wasn't human. The agents eyes were now glowing a bright neon white.

The agent rose to his feet, removing two handguns from his belt as he told Mark seriously. "I can hold him off... but it is up to you, whether I will die or not". The agent raised his guns toward Anti and Mark watched a pair of ethereal white wings expand out from the mans back. Mark thought he was hallucinating again. Was this agent... an angel? The glow emanating off the mans body drew Anti's full attention. The angel agent kept his guns aimed at Anti as he shouted out to Anti professionally. "Leave them alone! You're fight is with me, Nephilim"! Anti flexed the fingers of his right hand and a black trident materialized in it, while he distortedly stated to the agent in a giggly voice. "You think you are a match for me? How cute... YOU IDIOT"! The agent started to fire his guns in rapid succession and Anti countered every shot by spinning his trident in front of him.

The other agents grouped back up with their shields and started to add in their own shots, but Anti was too quick. Flipping and twisting through the air like an acrobat as he continued to keep his main focus on the angel agent. Mark glanced down at the box in his hands. He felt so torn. Who should he trust? Anti was dangerous... but he could reason with him. These illuminati agents... he knew nothing about them. He didn't know if he could really trust them. When the angel agent ran out of ammo, he tossed his guns aside, before sliding his right hand down his left arm. In the agents left hand a glowing white bow materialized and he told Anti bluntly. "I don't want to hurt you"! Anti stopped spinning his trident to zap the other agents into a scattered retreat, then pointed it at the angel agent, giddily retorting. "What a shame... I'm going to KILL YOU"!

The angel agent barely had time to block as Anti launched into the air straight for him. As Anti's trident clashed with the agents bow, causing the weapon to spark violent shades of purple and grey. Anti flapped his wings to help push the agent across the ground as he jeered out. "What's wrong, Cupid? Something wrong with your wings"? The angel agent slanted his bow to cause Anti's trident to slide off, then quickly rolled around Anti and fired an arrow at Anti's back. The blazing white arrow materialized on the bow as he pulled the string back, then whizzed through the air to sink into the back of Anti's shoulder. The angel agent started to pull his bow string back again, only to hesitate. Anti yanked the arrow from his shoulder, flashing the angel an eerie smile, before saying playfully. "Was that suppose to hurt"? The angel agent took a deep breath then glanced at Mark.

Anti ticked his tongue like a clock in warning, his eyes drifting between Mark and then the angel agent, before telling the angel agent in a stern voice. "You point that twig at him and I'll tear your heart out". Mark opened the box and sighed reluctantly. He didn't want to use it... but he felt safer with it. Anti landed on the ground, strolling toward the angel agent calmly. The agent never looked away from Mark, lowering his bow to the ground in defeat. Anti's trident slipped under the angel agent's jaw, telling him seriously. "Anything last words, Stupid Cupid"? The angel agent finally looked up at Anti, telling him calmly. "Sean is afraid... and you're feeding on that, Anti. But how long will that last now? My arrows don't effect the heartless... but I wasn't aiming for you".

Anti's trident began to shake in his hand and blood started to leak from his nose. Mark shot to his feet, racing toward Anti. The angel agent rose to his feet, adding out to Anti. "I shot Sean's shoulder. Which means that you, Anti, are loosing your grip. His love out weighs your hatred. Now I would like to talk to your... better half". Anti fell to his knees, clawing at the ground as he growled out. "No! I am here now! You all will listen to me"! Mark dropped beside Anti, simply touching his cheek in concern. The moment his hand made contact, Anti's eyes closed and fell into Mark's arms. Mark looked up at the angel agent, snapping out. "What did you do to him"? The angel agent sighed softly, uttering out in a shaky voice. "I'm a love angel... Sean was so angry at us for shooting at him and taking you, that Anti had gained full control. So, I tipped the balance back. By making Sean focus on his love for you, it removed his anger and Anti lost control. He'll be fine".

Mark glanced down at his hand to see the thing he had pulled from the box. A small gold arrow about the size of a pen. Mark pulled Sean's body closer to his chest, watching the other agents starting to approach with their guns drawn. The angel agent dropped to the ground, laying back across the grass to take relieved deep breaths. One of the agents told the angel agent. "What will we do with them now? They just took out our medical ward...". The angel agent sat up slowly, telling them calmly. "We'll take the angel to the containment district. Then we'll come back here to see if there are any survivors". One of the agents, put his gun to Mark's head, stating coldly. "What do we do with this one? He's infected"! Mark tightened his grip around Sean's shoulders. They'd have to pry his dead body away from Sean.

The angel agent, pushed the gun away from Mark, snapping to the other agent. "Are you fucking crazy! We keep them together! Weren't you watching earlier?! Anti just destroyed the medical ward and clearly took out the unit that was suppose to escort him to the containment district in the first place! BY HIMSELF! Do you know any other way to keep an Angel of death calm? Cause I'd love to hear your thoughts"?! The other agents shifted uncomfortably in silence. Leaving the angel agent to tell Mark softly. "I wasn't lying to you. We just want to help. But it is a delicate process". Mark sighed, scooping Sean's body up into his arms, answering seriously. "If you want to help him. Than stop trying to control him. Just tell me what to do and send us home". The other agents muttered distastefully, but the angel agent let out a deep sigh.

Pulling Mark away from the others, he told him softly. "Mark... You know that is asking too much. You're infected and almost all of Pax has been quarantined... We don't know how infectious you are... So, can you just give us a chance to do this in a secure location? If we let you go back and Anti gains full control again; people could get hurt. At least here, we have a fighting chance. Please"? Mark hated the idea of being caged or locked up... but the man had a point. Anti was growing more and more powerful.  He was becoming merciless. At least, out here... it felt more isolated. Reluctantly he agreed and let them escort him toward the containment district. To Be Continued...       

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