Chapter Eight

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"What happened?" Bazz asked.
"What do you mean  'what happened'?" I asked in return.
He pointed behind and I turned to see Kath and Shen blushing, while not looking at us, and Dayne giving him a glare, presumably because he didn't 'come to her rescue.'
This amused Elliott greatly.

Bazz and Dayne stood next to each other, Brad and Shen were next to one another, and Elliott and Kath stood there, with Elliott's arm around Kath.

And then there was Sean the glorious Reinhardt, shipping all of his friends and fangirling about the looks between Kath and Elliott.
They all headed towards the water and had a good time.

While they were drying off while in their makeshift tent thing, Kath kept smiling up at Elliott and giggling.

"What?" Elliott asked.
"Nothing." Kath replied. "Just happy."

After they we all dried off, it was decided that everyone would then head to Blizzcon for another day to play some Overwatch.

As stereotyped, we have Bazz as Soldier:76, Sean as Reinhardt, Dayne as Mercy, Brad as Bastion, Elliott as Zenyatta and Shen was Hanzo.
Obviously, there was seven of them, and only teams of six, so Loserfruit was placed on the enemy team.

The game was about halfway through when Brad realised they couldn't find their healer.
"Elliott! Where are you? Do you keep dying that much?" Questions were fired, yet none were answered until he looked over at Moose-Tits' -I mean Muselk's screen and saw him emoting with Loserfruit, right at their own spawn!

"Oi! Moose-Tits! Play the game!"

After another few games, 'the gang' eventually headed off back to their hotels, or wherever it was they were staying, to get some sleep for tonight.

When Elliott and Kath arrived, Kath looked at him and said,
"I'm hungry, wanna order some food?"
Elliott pondered for a moment before agreeing.

After ordering some pizza, the two smiled at the day, they had fun, I mean who wouldn't?

Then shortly after eating the pizza, they lay cuddled up in Elliott's room watching T.V. and enjoying each other's company and just relaxing in general.

Another hour or so and Kath was asleep with her head on Elliott's chest and Elliott turned the T.V. off and he too, gave into slumber.

Sorry for the wait! I was dealing with some things that have now been dealt with, so hopefully updates will come more often.
Thank you for waiting,


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