Snapped Wire

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   Heatwaves p.o.v

"Heatwave." I hear a whisper and I wake to look around and see Blades wrapped up in my arms on our berth, he's awake and has a frown. "What's wrong? Did I hurt you?" He shook his helm. "What is it?"

"My stomach hurts." I instantly got on all fours above him and rolled him over to where I could see his whole front.

"Where at? Is it bad?" He nodded. I started looking but didn't see anything. "Maybe it's that snapped wire Boulder was talking about. I'll take you to him." Blades nods and whimpers.


I instantly get up to pick him up and run out the door with him. "Boulder!" It was seven in the morning. He was bound to be up. Just in our luck, he was.

"What's wrong?" He asks, worry lacing his voice. He's looking over Blades before I can answer. I set Blades down on the berth so he can get a better view.

I stutter out, "I th-think it's the snapped wire you were talking about." Boulder nods. Blades cries out. That's when Chase and Blur come around the corner.

"What's going on?" Chase asks. Blur slides to the berth, "What's wrong with him?" It was silent for a bit, that is until Boulder looked up.

"Heatwave you were right. It's just a snapped wire." The two sighed in relief as I did too. Blades groaned.

"Thank Primus." I walked to the side of Blades and set my servo on his stomach area. "Boulder is gonna have to fix that wire. You want us in here?" He shook his helm. "Alright, we'll be outside." Salvage, Blur, Chase, and I walked outside making sure we shut the door behind us. We all took a seat on the ground behind the fire house, away from all the humans.

"It's going so fast." Blur smiled. "I mean, like Blades. Hormones are kicking in and he's about to start craving. Sooner or later we're gonna know the gender! That's going to be awesome!" I chuckled at Blurs excitement.

"I'm excited too. I just hope everything goes well." Everyone nodded. Before anyone could answer Bumblebee came out though.

"Blades has a snapped wire I heard." I sigh with a nod. He takes a seat next to me, Chase on my other side.

"Wait, Bee knows?" Chase asks. I nod with a small chuckle. Chase turns to Bee with a confused gaze.

"He sure does. Caught me in the hall and ratted me out." Bumblebee buzzes in laughter. "I'm hoping to tell Optimus today. When Blades gets out of the med bay, I think we will." I could see Bumblebees smile under neath his battle mask that he had to keep on to be able to speak.

"I think Blades would be rather happy to hear that." Chase smiled. That's when Blades came out and took a good big breather.

"Thank Primus that's over." Blades sighed. I smiled and got up to hug him. I brought him in  and he let me. "Next time, if there is, smack me awake." Blades chuckled.

-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-Time skip-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-

"What a day." Blades yawns as we enter our quarters. "Bumblebee had to go home, there was a fire you had to take care of." I smile as he goes on about today.

"Hey, before you get to whining about Kade being grumpy...can we tell Optimus about you being sparked tomorrow?" Blades turned around and smiled.

"I was hoping you were gonna ask me. Because I was wanting to do the same thing." I smile wide and pull him to the berth.

"Guess what else. I found out that if we plug there will be no harm to the sparkling." Blades groans. "We can't go rough. But, I'll make sure to make it as pleasurable as possible." I take his legs and put them in the crook of my arms. I move my pelvic plating to his valve. "You ready?" He nods. I take out my spike and center it to his valve.

"H-Heatwave, I neeeed you." He whines. I growl and put my spike in him. He throws his helm back with a loud moan. I start moving but not rough. He's moaning and tries to grind into me.

"Ah, Blades. Primus, you're so good. Feels so good to be inside you. My sweet innocent little bot." Blades cried out as I hit a good node.

"Heatwave!" He was starting to pant each time I went in. He was crying out. "You're so big!" He cried. I started to go faster then I heard Blades, "Heatwave!" He arched his back. He overloaded onto my spike and I felt overload take my body. "Nngh." Blades groaned as my seed went into his body.

"How are you?" Blades was still panting before he looked at me. Blades smiled.

"Much better. I feel stress relieved." I started to slowly pull out and he withered. I completely came out of him and covered my spike with my plating. Blades covered his also.

"I'll clean up." Blades mumbled something. I looked to see him drifting off into slumber. "Get some rest, I'll get in with you when I'm done." He nods and I give him a kiss on the helm in which he leans into before snoozing off. I smile as I clean up then hop into bed with him. I wrap my arms around him. In his sleep he snuggles closer to me. I smile and muzzle my way into the crook of his neck. He hums and sleeps. I smile and get to sleep also.

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