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   Blades' p.o.v

Yawning, I had sat up. Heatwave had met me sleep through out the day. I was happy about that. Enough rest and no stress. I heard ped steps and around the corner cans Bumblebee. His chassis was wrapped and he seemed more frail.

"Bumblebee, What happened?" Bee looked down, his attenaes dropped as he looked to the ground.

"Megatron. The Decepticon." I went optics wide and shot up off the couch. I was by Bumblebee's side in an instant.

"Bumblebee, that's horrible! Why are you here? Shouldn't you be with Ratchet?" Bumblebee smiled and shook his helm. Bumblebee put a servo on my shoulder plating. "Alright, as long as your team knows and Chief." Bee gave a thumbs ups. "I have big news!" Bumblebees optics lit up. "Guess what gender my sparkling is."

Bee smiled wide at me, "mech!" I laughed.

"Ring a ding ding, we have a winner!" Bumblebee buzzed in laughter. "Heatwave and I are trying to think of names."

"I'm happy for you Blades. I'm super excited! I can't wait to meet the little guy!" Bumblebees excited face formed into a yawn. It was weird to see him yawn but I smiled at it.

"Take a nap on the couch. If you need anything let us know." Bumblebee hugged me. I hugged him back but not tight. I didn't want to hurt him anymore than he was. Bee released me and he stumbled over to the couch. As soon as he reached the couch, he was out.

I walked the halls. I came out into the training area. There was my bot, Heatwave. Heatwave was brutally punching a piece of wood. I almost jumped each time he landed a powerful punch hit the wood.

"Wow, it's hard to think you handled me with those servos." Heatwave looked down with a quirked side grin.

"It's not hard to think for me. I can remember it like it was yesterday. Besides, I would never hurt you. Especially now, it's hard to even kiss you." Heatwave jumped down and smiled at me.

"I'm not fragile Heatwave. Our mech will be just fine if you gave his mother a kiss." I pouted and Heatwave chuckled lightly. It drew a smile in the corner of my mouth.

"I know you're not. I also know these servos have been rough with you before." I rolled my optics. I kissed him and he kissed pack. We both let go with smiles. "So, I am assuming you saw Bee already." I frowned.

"He's hurt Heatwave. It's sad. He was happy about me having a mech though." Heatwave smiled and put two servos on my stomach.

"Names....WaveBlades." I chuckled and shook my helm. "HeatBlade." I laughed. "I'm out of ideas now." I smiled and cupped his face.

"We will find the perfect name. I promise." Heatwave nodded. "Alright, you can keep training. I'm watching who the fastest is at running yes, I said running the race track." Heatwave shook his helm.

"Blurrs idea?"

"Yup." Heatwave snorted. "He's...creative, I suppose. Boulder has a bet with Frankie and Cody. I'm going to see who wins. Blurr is against Chase and QuickShadow. She's stopping by for a bit."

"Alright, I'll be out soon. I have a couple minutes left." I smiled and nodded. I walked out to the race track and saw QuickShadow with Blurr. Boulder was sitting on the ground associating with Frankie and Cody about who they were putting bets on.

"Blades! It's nice to see you again." I looked at QuickShadow. She had a smile. A gentle smile, not the quirked smirk she would when she knew she was right.

I smiled back, "I should say the same." She laughed in delight.

"I'm ready to beat some mechs tailpipe. Oh yes, I'm happy to have heard the sparkling is a mech. Thinking of any names yet?" I shrugged.

"Heatwave and I just started thinking. We have time. I'm hoping the name comes up and we know when it's right." QuickShadow smiles.

"Race is starting!" I showed her away. She laughed and went to the track. I went to Boulder and sat next to him. Cod and Frankie were wearing huge smiles. "Here you two." I put them on my shoulder plating.

"Yes, front row seats!" Frankie squealed. "My bets on QuickShadow." Frankie crossed her arms. "Girls are always the toughest." I chuckled.

"My bets on Chase. He's the cop bot, he's got to go fast to catch criminals." Boulder was smiling. Salvage was at the starting line, he was going to tell them to go.

"I've got Blurr. He's fast." Cody smiled wide.

"On your mark. Get set. Go!" Salvage moved out of the way and everyone took off. Blurr took the lead right off. His smile showing his cockiness.

Chase caught up to him though. QuickShadow was last so far? Then, when it was close, QuickShadow was first by a long shot and she crossed the line first. "Yes!" Frankie squealed. She slid down my frame along with Cody. They hopped into the concrete and raced over. Boulder chuckled. Blurr was left in shock. Chase laughed when he had to shut Blurrs mouth for him.

"The turtle won the race Blurr." QuickShadow walked away. Blurr huffed and crossed his arms.

"How is she so good at this?" Blurr asked as he groaned.

"She's a secret agent Blurr. She is born to be fast. It's her job. You are also fast but she was born into it." Cody remarked. Blurr sighed as he slumped. He nodded and transformed.

"I'm gonna do a couple laps. Maybe I can get as fast as her if I go at it enough." We moved off the track and watched him for a bit.

"Stubborn bot he is." Chase sighed. I nodded.

Heatwave came out and watched Blurr race around as he came over to Chase and I to sit down. "Miss anything?"

"Only the part where QuickShadow won the race and Chase and to shut Blurrs trap for him." Heatwave chuckled.


"I'm going." I announced. Heatwave shook his helm.

"No Blades what if-."

"What if nothing. It'll be fine."

We arrived on the scene and there was a huge fire. Dani sighed, "I hope no one was hurt." I silently agreed. "Wait, look Blades in the water. It's...Frederick." There was a guy with what Kade would say 'nerdy glasses', on. His hair was soaked along with his shirt and himself. He was clinging on a rock for what appeared to be, dear life. "Let's go." Said Dani. "Dad, Frederick is in the water. Blades and I will escort him out and make sure he makes it to the hospital."

"Copy that Dani."

"I can't get my winch down there. Only I can go." Dani agreed. I transformed mid air and landed in the water. I picked up Frederick. "Climb in." I opened up my copter pit. Frederick climbed in and I felt his body wet against my seats. I shivered and looked around. There was a side wire that looked big and sturdy enough to pull us all out. I jumped out to it and caught it. I transformed into helicopter mode. I made it out and to the hospital.

We had dropped off Frederick and the rest of team had went back to the Firehouse. Dani and I made it back. I was with Heatwave.

"The only way I made it out was because there was a side wire." I finished the story. He sighed and hugged me.

"Well, thanks to that side wire." Then my optics got big. 

"That's it! Sidewire!" Heatwave pulled back to look me in the optics, confused. "It's the perfect name." He smiled wide and nodded.

"I agree." He kissed me and I happily kissed back. We both pulled back with huge grins. "I hope he's handsome." I laughed.

"Please. Have you seen us?" We laughed together. "Alright, carrier here is tired." Heatwave smiled. He let me fall asleep on the berth. He was going to have a mech night with Bee. He said he'd be back to sleep with me.

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