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"Babe, seriously

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"Babe, seriously."


CORA LET OUT A FRUSTRATED GROAN as she scratched out another failed attempt at the answer she had scrawled on her notebook page. She let out a deep breath and threw the pencil against the wall that her desk was up to, only to have it bounce back and land on her books again.

With a glance to the small blue clock on her desk, she saw it was 12:33am. She let out an incoherent sound and dropped her head onto her desk, feeling a wave of tiredness wash over her. She was stressed, and tired out of her mind. All she wanted was to go to sleep and never have to touch physics again. Cora was amazing at math, but it was something about physics that her mind just refused to grasp. Her boyfriend though, could look at a question and spit out a question without hesitation. That was one thing she wished she could do.

Cora lifted her head from the table and grabbed her coffee mug, the yellow porcelain with a bee on the front shining in the light of her desk lamp. She huffed when she realised it was empty, and slowly stood before leaving her room. It was a Wednesday night, her family was asleep, but she was still trying to stay awake to finish her horrid amount of homework. She had finished everything else; her rough copy for her English essay, the biology homework, and her Spanish. It was just her physics that would keep her up until the ungodly hours of the night.

After making her new coffee, she made her way back upstairs and to her room, letting out a quiet huff as she shut the door behind her. Cora made her way back over to her desk, setting the mug down before falling back into her chair.

"Fuck physics.." she mumbled, rubbing her tired eyes and tucking a piece of her blonde hair behind her ear, a few pieces having fallen from the bun on top of her head. She pulled the sleeves of Peter's sweater over her hands and leaned back in her chair. Being with Peter for a good 3 months had resulted in her taking a couple sweaters, and wearing them on late nights like the one she was experiencing. She reached forward and grabbed the pencil again, tapping it against her page as she thought over the question again.

In the middle of her thoughts, Cora's phone began going off with Peter's ringtone. She felt the smallest smile grow on her face, before she reached for it and answered.

"Hey Pete," Cora said quietly, not wanting to wake her family up. She heard wind whooshing around while she was on the phone with him, and she immediately clued in that he was calling her from his suit and he was out swinging.

"Hey princess- ow, shit!"

Cora grimaced as she heard him about and tumbling afterwards, hearing him groan a bit.

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