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"Are you just going to sit here, and not do a thing?"


GOING PARTYING was not a regular occurrence for anyone in Cora and Peter's friend group. Peter hadn't gone to a party since he had gotten wasted on St. Patrick's day. Cora wasn't a party person, period.

"You ready to go, Cora?"

Cora looked up at the sound of Michelle's gentle voice, "Uh, yeah, I'll meet you downstairs." She said, and Michelle nodded, leaving Cora's room.

Cora stood in front of her mirror, her ripped jeans and white cropped shirt basic enough for a high school prom party. She scanned herself once more, her eyes falling on the black necklace around her neck. She placed her hand on it, unsure whether or not to take it off.

The black pendant had a dark purple sheen, all held onto her neck by a black jewelery chain. After the massive bust Cora completed with Tony, he had made her an entire new suit for herself, compacted into the necklace so it was always ready for use.

She debated on whether or not she would need to wear it tonight. It was just prom party after all. However, just as she was about to remove it, Michelle called for her to hurry up, since the party started an hour ago. They were still tense.

"I'm coming!" Cora called back, leaving the necklace on and rushing downstairs, the two leaving for the party.

Showing up to the large house with booming music almost flared Cora's chest with anxiety. She hadn't seen Peter yet, which made her slightly glad, since she was still in a tense state from what she saw in the hallways of Midtown. Of course, her being glad could only last so long.

"There she is! Hey babe!"

The happy voice carried to Cora's ears, and of course, the voice belonged to her boyfriend who was already a number of drinks into his night. He greeted her with a quick kiss and put his arm around her shoulders, a big grin on his face. Cora noticed the red solo cup in his hand, and she let out a small sigh.

"How many have you had?" She asked, looking up at him with slight concern in her eyes. Peter shook his head, as a sign not to worry.

"Only 2." Peter answered, and then gestured for her to take the cup. "Do you want this one? I don't like it very much."

"Uh.." Cora hesitated, before she shrugged. "Alright, but I'm not getting drunk, that's final."

Peter only smiled, "I know, don't worry." He said, kissing her head as she took the drink, and the group moved further into the party.

3 more drinks later, Peter was feeling tipsy, and a tipsy Peter was clingy. He hadn't let go of Cora for about 30 minutes, a tight arm around her waist as they both laughed with their group of friends. Roman seemed to have everyone's attention, cracking jokes and reminding them of happy moments at prom just hours prior.

"Cora, what was your favourite moment for prom?" Roman asked, the attention moving to her. She froze up for a moment, but gained herself.

"Uhm.. probably the photo booth." She said, "and not stepping on Peter's toes."

Her friends laughed at the last comment, and Cora smiled as she felt slightly less tense. Though, she was getting too warm in the crowded setting, so she said she was going to step outside for a minute.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2020 ⏰

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