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"Life isn't fair, love

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"Life isn't fair, love. Get used to it."



Everyone in the room turned to look at Ned, who had a completely innocent look on his face. He thought nothing of the boy who turned up to Midtown High with only 3 and a half weeks left, though his friends had other ideas.

"I think he's weird." Michelle said, her voice clear and strong as she spoke. They were all scattered around Peter's living room on the Friday night, as they usually did. It had become a bi-weekly thing for them, and would probably become weekly once summer started.

Cora shrugged, "I don't know, I mean.. it's really weird to show up 3 and a half weeks before regents, especially to Midtown. Our school focuses on science, so who knows how he'll catch up." She said, leaning into Peter's shoulder. "But I don't think there is anything necessarily wrong with him, he seems pretty nice." She told them, glancing up at Peter when she was done.

"I hear a lot of girls talking about him." Cindy chimed in from her spot with Michelle on the loveseat, Michelle's arm holding her close. "I recall Brianna and Mayla from Physics saying that 'Roman Makrova sounds like a name that would invite me to a party, ignore me all night, and I would still respond to his 3am 'u up?' text.' and to be quite honest, I agree.. and I'm a lesbian." Cindy finished, earning a disapproving look from Michelle.

"Are you sure you're a lesbian? Usually we don't really think that stuff about guys." Michelle said, feeling a hard pressure against her chest, immediately recognising it as jealousy. Cindy looked up and narrowed her eyes.

"I'm basing it off the name, babe. He still looks like a walking white breadstick to me." Cindy assured her, grabbing her hand gently. Michelle furrowed her eyebrows, before speaking up.

"Isn't Roman mixed?" She asked, looking around at her friends. They all looked confused, do she quickly clarified. "He's not white guys, the kid is mixed. He's black, just white passing."

"How did you find out?" Cindy asked curiously, looking up at her girlfriend. The kid had only been there for two days, and it seemed as if he only ever talked to Cora and Peter in calculus to ask for the notes. Other than that, the kid was generally quiet.

"A discussion in history class." Michelle said, and didn't have to explain further. The group all collectively nodded, knowing how they could be. Cora distinctively remembered getting heated over a class discussion last semester over lgbtq matters, and Michelle had gone off numerous times in English class discussions, over just about everything. Midtown was full of kids who were into tech and science, but when it came to world issues, nobody knew anything.

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