Chapter Three

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~Two Weeks Later~

~Carmen's POV~

After that party, Peter started to talk to me more and we decided that we should just forget about what happened and just be friends. So that's where we are friends but I have a filling this won't last much longer as my mom always says your sins will always find you out and well what we did was a sin so how will that all be found out.

I sat at the lunch table with Peter, Ned, and MJ thinking about all of this when MJ said something caught my attention "Car has been sick a lot lately maybe that's what she has" "wait I have what MJ" she looks at me kinda confused along with Ned and Peter "have you not been listening?" Ned asks. I shake my head "sorry" I say looking at Peter who sat across from me. He had a look of worry on his face and it wasn't in till then that what he was thinking even crossed my mind as to what might be wrong with me. "what the look for Peter?" Ned asks "oh um.. no reason just worried about a friend." I was honestly scared at this thought Peter has put in my mind with just that look could I be pregnant.

~Peter's POV~

It couldn't be she couldn't be. She can't be pregnant this would ruin everything in both of our lives and it would absolutely destroy Aunt May and oh my god and spider-man. I've got to talk to her about this after school.

~After school Still Peter's POV~

I've been walking in an awkward silence with Carmen since we left MJ and Ned. I clear my throat to break the silence. "Peter you don't have to worry about anything." "why wouldn't I have to worry?" "it's not your problem." "if your p-pregnant its gonna be a problem for both of us." "why is that?" she asks stopping to look at me" because it wouldn't just be your baby it would be my baby too," I say grabbing on to her hands. She sighs looking me in the eyes "Peter we aren't together and were not adults what kind of family could we be." "what do you mean Car if your pregnant then wed have to find a way." she just simply shakes her head at me "you aren't implying an abortion-" "No Peter I'm not!" she says quickly letting go of my hands "I'm talking about an adoption were only fifteen we can't raise a baby." she says taking a breath "we don't even know if we have to worry about it or not" she continues before walking away.

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