Chapter 4 - Sasha's Lament

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Sasha's POV

I hate my job. This is all I have to say. It all started four or five years ago. I was hired to help Miss Kate after her accident. At first, I thought this was normal job like many others, but then it became clear that helping her really meant managing her.

As I prepare her afternoon tea and medications, I think back to the day I was hired.

It was five years ago. I was working as a registered nurse at a hospital in Oriens. It was my twelfth year there; I remember because I was thirty-six. A young girl was admitted to my floor. At first, I did not pay attention to her. She was just a patient. I brought her medicine every morning and changed the IV fluid every few hours. I made sure she ate, but I was not her primary nurse. That was Glinda. She was old, so I help her a lot.

The girl was beautiful and young. Like model. But there was something off about her. I shrug it off because it was hospital. She had an almost doll-like aura. It was like taking care of robot. She said very little and did not acknowledge me when I came in the room. Very odd. At least...very odd until I hear her story.


"Hello, miss," I call out as I entered her room. "I come to change fluid." She didn't respond. Only continued to stare at the wall. "How you feeling?" I usually asked her if she was okay, but I rarely got more than a shrug.

"I'm...not well," she whispered, surprising me.

"I am sorry. Is something I can do?" I continue changing the IV fluids.

"Not really," she answered dryly. "I can't...I'm...I'm broken."

"Only the arm," I smiled softly as I looked at the plain white cast on her right arm.

She touched it softly. "I wish that was all. Do you know how I ended up here? I wasn't wearing a seatbelt. Stupid, right?" She laughed in a self-depreciating manner.

"I no wear seatbelt sometimes. It a simple mistake." I finished with the IV and looked at her chart. "You go home soon. It all good."

"Can you...would you talk with me for a little bit." Her eyes were so big and sad I couldn't help but say yes. "Thank you. This whole time has been really scary."

"Talk. It will help you feel better."

"Well, it started about a month ago. I was in the back of the car and I didn't...I wasn't wearing my seatbelt. I was on my way to the palace in Philip. It was going to be my first time meeting the prince. I was really excited. And nervous." She took a deep breath. "The road was wet, and a car swerved into our lane...I don't remember what happened, but they told me the impact threw me from the back seat onto the dashboard." She rubbed her cast lightly. "I woke up in hospital a week later and was eventually transferred here. Father tells me that Oriens has the best medical care in the six kingdoms. But...I don't think they can do anything for me."

I read her chart as she said all of this. It seemed normal until I read the diagnosis. Then I understood.

"I see," was all I could say.

"I have to give everything up I guess," she sighed deeply. "I was supposed to meet the prince and fall in love and get married, but now...he'd be disgusted. My father already told me that he wants to cut ties with the Spencer family."

"I am sorry," I put the chart back, "things change. Maybe the outcome will too."

"You think so?" She smiled slightly.

"Ja." I turned to leave, but just before the door closed behind me, I heard her say the most haunting thing I've ever heard.

"Thank you for lying to me."

End of Flashback

It seemed so long ago that I met her. It was not long after that her father approached me with a job. "Come back to Philip," he said. "I will pay you double," He said. No one told me that I would have to babysit her. She does not want to take her medication. She always wants to go out. I am not paid enough. I hate my job. But as I look at the young brunette staring out the window as I bring her the afternoon tea and medications, I realize something: I hate my job, but I do not hate her.


Alberto's POV

I am searching for Prince Roberto who has skipped out on his paperwork yet again when I get a phone call. I immediately recognize the number as Claude's. Why is he calling me? Don't tell me that Roberto managed to get to Philip somehow...

"Hello, Claude," I answer.

"Hello, Alberto," he replies.

"Did Roberto manage to stow away to Philip today?"

"No," he answers. "Is he missing again?"

"When is he not?"

He pauses before changing the subject. "I'm sorry to bother you, but I had a request of you."

"Oh? How can I help?"

"I don't know if you remember, but some time ago my prince was betrothed to Lady Katelyn Morgan."

"I remember that the betrothal was called off. By her family, am I right?"

"Yes, and," Claude's voice grew quieter. "I need your particular skills. My prince would like to find out why the family has been so secretive for the past five years."

"I would be happy to lend my services as soon as I locate Roberto."


We hung up without another word. I knew one day my skills would be requested. Once I find Roberto, I can get started on looking into the Morgan family.

Thank you for reading! Let me know if you have any questions/comments/concerns!
Also, I'm not sure if it was clear, but did everyone get the impression that Kate's broken arm wasn't the only reason she was in the hospital? Do you have any ideas as to what is 'wrong' with her? Let me know!

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