Chapter 10 - Resolving the Cell Phone Issue

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Kate's POV

An hour after coming home from tea with the prince

"Sasha, you idiot!" I huff as I plop down into my favorite chair in the sitting room.

"Why you say this?" He says, sitting in the chair opposite of me.

"You know why," I sigh. "You told the prince I'm gonna text him."

Sasha laughs under his breath. "Was I wrong?"

"Sasha," I shake my head, "Think. Think really hard. What is the biggest issue with promising the prince a text message from me?"

He is silent for a moment before speaking. "Ah! You worried because you no have phone. This no problem."

"How is this not a problem?"

"You use mine!"

I shake my head. "Okay, there is another issue."

"You no know what to say?"

"I can't text! I'm blind!" I finally shout at him. I pride myself in the fact that I normally do not raise my voice, but having such a simple task be denied to me because of my blindness irritates me. 

"I have plan." Sasha says excitedly. "I text for you! I be your eyes just like always."

I turn away. "I don't want you to be my eyes. I want my own."

Sasha says nothing as he shifts in his seat. We sit in silence for a long moment before a knock on the door interrupts us.

"Kate, it's your father," my father says as he enters.

"Good afternoon, father," I say, standing to curtsey.

"Please, stay seated." He takes a seat across from me. I sit as I'm told. I'm not entirely sure, but I think Sasha has stood and is now standing behind my father. 

"Is there something you wish to speak with me about?" I ask.

"Yes," he says. "I was made aware by Lord Micheal that there has been some research in Oriens."

I nod. Of course that's why he's here.

"I would like to look into the possibility of you having the new surgery."

"Father," I interrupt him. "I had Sasha call a friend of his from the hospital. The success rate may be 80%, but that number is way more complicated than it sounds. Of the 80% that are able to see, only 15% were able to regain their sight completely. 25% were able to see, but not nearly as well as before. The other 40% could only see in one eye or in shapes and shadows. The 20% that isn't successful die." I shake my head. "I want to see, but not if there is a higher chance I'll die than see."

"I understand." He shifts in his seat. "If the rate was higher, would you consider it?"

"Of course."

"Then we can revisit this matter then." He stands. "I will see you at dinner." As he left, he whispered. "And, it's nice to see you looking happier." The door closed.

I sighed to myself. The surgery was important, but its a matter for another time. For now, the thing on my mind was what my father just said. I look happier. Why is that? Could it be knowing about the surgery? Maybe it was hope? No. Deep down I knew the true cause of my change in attitude. It was Wilfred. He made me happy. Our friendship brought me out of my depression, and now I knew what I had to do.

"Sasha? Are you still here?" I call out.

"Yes," he answers.

"Can you text for me?"

He lets out a small chuckle. "Yes. But I want to ask, why the change?"

"I...I need to get stronger." I smile. "I haven't felt alive in so long, but when I'm with him...things are different."

"I see." He says quietly. "Now, I go get medicine, and then we text!" He leaves, humming a cheerful tune.


Sasha's POV

10 minutes later

"Miss," I sigh. "You must take the medicine," I repeat myself for the third time. Kate is back to her old self alright. Refusing to take her medicine and giving me sass.

"Fine," she smiles. "I'll take them." She holds out her hand, and I place the pills in her palm. Giving her the glass of water, I watch as she pops the pills into her mouth and then swallows them.

"Good job." I smile.

"Now, I want you to text Wilfred. Say 'hello, your highness. It's me, Kate.' Tell me what he says as soon as he replies!" She says, a sparkle in her eyes. It may be that her eyes are slightly eerie in how they seem to look right through you, but just now, she looked so alive. Could this be the beginnings of love?


Kate's POV

That night

I smile to myself as I sit at my window seat. Prince Wilfred still hasn't replied, but that's okay. I know he's probably busy. I'm excited for when he answers my text, but until then, I feel so much better than I have in a while. 

I slowly open my palm, grinning like a child. Earlier, I pretended to take my medicine, but now...I hold two small pills in my hand. It's good to feel like myself once more.

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