Chapter 6 - Meddlesome Mike

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Lord Michael's POV

The day he sent the invitations

The annual Summer's Eve Ball was four days ago. I noticed that Lady Katelyn Morgan had crashed the party. She was always such a precocious child. I suppose that when I saw her and Prince Wilfred talking, I couldn't help but decide to give them a helping hand.

Wilfred has always been rather shy, and I know that he has always wondered what happened to Kate. It isn't my place to say, but that doesn't mean I can't lend them a hand. Hehe

"Zain," I say as I sip my tea. "Let's have a tea party."

"A tea party, sir?"

"Yes," I smile. "Send an invitation to Prince Wilfred and another one to Lady Kate." I giggled. "It might be time to play match maker."

It may come as a surprise to many people, but I have a fondness for helping young people. It may be because I am old. I don't really care if I can help. Now, five years ago when young Kate was in her accident, I had Zain go to the hospital in Phillip she was admitted to. I'll never forget the day he came back to tell me what he had found out.


"Sir," Zain says as he enters the room.

"Yes?" I turn to him. "How is she?"

"I'm afraid I have bad news."

"I was afraid of that. You've been gone for several days."

He nodded. "I'm afraid Miss Katelyn only woke up this morning. I was there when she woke up, and she...she can't see." His look was grim.

"What did the doctor say?" I ask, hoping for the best.

"They say it might be temporary." His voice is soft, and I can tell he's hiding something.


"But it's not likely." He hangs his head as silence engulfs us.

End of Flashback

It was a sad day when I saw her again. She still hasn't regained her sight even after five years. Although, I've got some good news for her on Sunday. I won't tell her until we are alone, of course, but it will be worth the wait in my opinion.

The Next Sunday, Day of the Tea Party

The day is nice, but even so, we are having tea in the atrium. I'm alone right now, but there is still half an hour before Wilfred and Kate are supposed to arrive. I was happy to have them both accept, and I can only imagine how well this tea will go.

"Lady Katelyn is here," Zain announces.

I turn to see Kate escorted by her nurse, Sasha. Sasha is a large Russian man with a thick accent. His eyebrows are bushy, and his beard is trimmed in such a particular manner, I don't know how he keeps it like that. He helps her to sit in the chair at my right, then stands to the side.

"Kate! It's so good to see you, my dear," I smile and take both her hands in mine.

"It's good to see you, Lord Michael," she says gracefully. She seems so tense.

"You can still call me Mike." I smile. I can see her relax a little.

"Okay, Mike," she giggles, "it's been too long."

"It really has," I nod. "Would you like some tea? Oh, I have so much to tell you!" She gladly accepts the tea and we begin talking about what has happened in the years that have passed. We all know about her blindness, so it isn't a shock to talk about it. It isn't awkward to talk about. It seems like an appropriate time to bring up my news.

"Kate, I do admit to bringing you here to tell you about something." I grin. "As I'm sure you are aware, Oriens has been doing-"

"My lord," Zain interrupts. "His highness, Prince Wilfred, is here." He steps aside, and Prince Wilfred enters, bowing as he sees me.

"Aw, Prince Wilfred. It's so good to see you! Please," I gesture to the remaining chair at the table, "have a seat."

Kate's POV

Oh. My. Goodness. No.

Lord Michael and I are having the most pleasant conversation about foreign policy, when he changes the subject to something important. Only to have the one person on earth that I don't want to speak with walk in before he can finish his sentence. Just my luck.

"Have a seat," Mike offers. I do nothing as I sit in my chair, praying that Sasha can find some excuse for why we must leave. But sadly, Sasha says nothing. I feel more helpless now sitting across the table from Prince Wilfred than I did when I first discovered that the accident stole my sight.

"Lady Katelyn," Prince Wilfred addresses me, "it is good to see you."

"And you as well, Prince Wilfred," I nod. He looks like a blurry shadow, so I can only nod in his direction, but what can I do?

"I'm sure you two are wondering why I asked you both here today," Mike says. I inwardly groan. If he invited both of us, I would bet he put a note on the invitation telling me he invited Wilfred as well. Sasha purposely withheld that information. I don't know whether to feel betrayed or furious.

I sip my tea. "Yes," I say. "I am rather curious."

"Well, for one, Kate," he begins, "you don't get out very much anymore. I thought you needed some fresh air and a change of scenery." Everyone is silent. Never in a million years would I have thought Mike would ever say something so blunt. At first, I'm shocked. Then slightly amused. The whole statement he made seems so...childish. No matter where I am, the scenery doesn't change; I'm always in the dark, so his statement is rather amusing to me. I can't help but try and suppress my laughter, but a giggle escapes. Then another. The next thing I know, I'm laughing more than I have in years. Mike laughs too. As does Sasha and Zain. Wilfred even lets out a chuckle, though he doesn't understand the joke.

"Surely," I say, wiping a tear from my eye, "surely that isn't your reasoning."

"No, my dear," Mike laughs. "I thought I might bring the two of you together to have a pleasant spot of tea."

"I'm grateful," Wilfred says. "I was hoping to be friends, Lady Katelyn."

"Kate," I smile.

"Kate," he repeats.

The rest of the tea went really well. The prince never asked about things that should remain in the past, and I was never made to feel uncomfortable. We had pleasant conversations about everything from culture and art or economic reform. I was having such a pleasant time, it wasn't until Sasha interrupted that I was brought back to reality.

"Katelyn," he says, "is time to go."

"Oh, is it time already?" I ask calmly, knowing it was time to take my medicine.

"Ja." I can feel him approach my chair.

"Thank you, Mike for a lovely tea party." I stand and allow Sasha to take my arm, so he can lead me out of the room. "And thank you, Prince Wilfred for a lovely afternoon."

"It was my pleasure," the prince replies. "And, please, call me Wilfred." 

I nod and turn as Sasha and I walk out.

Thirty Minutes Later - Kate's Home

When we make it back home, Sasha gives me my medicine.

"I don't like this," I say.

"I know," he sighs. "But this medicine help you. Soon, you see. Eyes get better."

I nod. The doctors in Oriens gave this medication to me to help with my blindness. It does work a little, but I'll never be able to see again. That's why my dad broke the arrangement between us and the royal family; Phillip doesn't need a blind queen. I'd only be a burden to Wilfred. I sigh as I take my medicine. This is my life, and there's no changing it.

Thank you for reading! Let me know if you have any questions/comments/concerns!

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