Chapter 5 - Tea Fixes Everything

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Wilfred's POV

It was early afternoon when Claude brings my tea. It's a little early, but I think nothing of it.

"Your highness," Claude begins as he adds cream and sugar to my tea. "We received an answer from Lady Katelyn's father."

"Yes?" I say, looking up from my documents.

"He politely declined on behalf of his daughter."

I dropped my pen. For some reason, this rejection struck me. Why did this woman and her family continue to do this? Was there something wrong with me?

"Very well," I finally said. I know there is nothing else to do. Katelyn had apparently rejected me, and I need to respect that. "Thank you."

"I did receive word from Alberto, if that would interest you," Claude adds as he places the tea on my desk.


"About a week before her father contacted us about ending the betrothal, Lady Katelyn was in a motor vehicle accident." He paused before describing what happened in detail. When he finished, he continued, "she was then moved to a hospital in Oriens where she lived for six months. Upon her return, she continued living with her father where she has been ever since."

I nodded. "What were her injuries exactly?" She seemed perfectly normal at the ball. I couldn't see any scars or anything noticeably wrong.

"Alberto couldn't get her medical records, but he thinks it was some sort of leg injury. She spent a considerable amount of time in physical therapy."

"Good to know." I sipped my tea. "Thank you. That will be all." Claude bowed as he exited the room, leaving me with my thoughts.

Maybe it would be better if I didn't bother her any longer. Maybe this whole idea that I could get to know her was foolish. Perhaps now I should give up.

Little did I know that my resolve wouldn't last long.

Two Days Later

I'm sitting in my office when Claude delivers a letter from Noble Michael. As I read it, I'm shocked by the contents. Lord Michael was inviting me to tea at his palace. He wanted me to come on Sunday afternoon. All of this was standard. What shocked me was the next to last line:

Lady Katelyn Morgan has also been sent an invitation; I hope this is not an inconvenience.

Katelyn would be there? I couldn't write a reply fast enough. Of course, I would go! Even if she didn't accept, there was still a chance. Maybe it wasn't too late to become friends after all...

Kate's POV

I'm running around the garden. Laughing. The sun is shining on me. They are chasing me. A friendly game of tag. I smile as I turn the corner and hide behind a tree. I can hear my dad and mom as they look for me. I'm giggling just as they turn to find me. Lord Michael laughs from his spot at the tea table, clapping his frail hands. Mom and dad have been friends of his for years, and Uncle Mike has always been my favorite. We all laugh as we drink tea and play in the garden at Noble Michael.

This was before Sasha. Before the accident. Before I found out that people will look at you differently when they found out that you're not okay.

I lay in bed for just a few more minutes, willing the dream to continue. Back when I was playing chase with my dad and we were a normal family. I don't want to open my eyes, because I know what I'll see when I do. I'm interrupted by Sasha as he knocks on the door and opens it.

"Wake up," he says in his thick accent.

I open my eyes, but I all I see are slight shadows of light. But not much. Everything is blurry and out of focus. I sit up in bed and shift, so I can lean against the pillows. Sasha puts the tray over my lap.

"Here you go. Here is medicine," he says as I open my right palm and feel him press the small pills into my hand. "You also receive note from castle. Lord Michael invite us for tea. We go, yes?"

"Yes, I'd like that." I smile.

"Good, good. Now take the medicine," he urges. With my left hand, I reach toward the tray; my fingers brush against a glass. Though I cannot see it, I grip it and raise it to my lips. Cool water washes the medicine down my throat. I'm blind. This is my reality, and even tea time with Lord Michael won't fix it.

Here you go! Was anyone surprised at Kate's big reveal? What's gonna happen at tea time? I guess we'll find out next chapter. Let me know if you have any comments/questions/concerns.

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