Chapter 17 - Meeting Her Parents

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Kate's POV

Music fills the air as Sasha and I take seats at the edge of the ballroom. Mother and father are visiting with some old friends, but I don't want to risk anyone finding out about my disability. On top of that, I'm nervous to see Wilfred. If what my mother said is true, he may have found someone, and that someone could be me. What if it is? What if it's not? I'm not sure which I'd rather.

"You are nervous?" Sasha asks.

"Extremely," I answer. As if the gods themselves were laughing, a clap of thunder sounded.

"Do not be. All is good. Rain is a good sign." He is quiet for a moment before speaking once again. "Solnyshko, you must be calm."

"Easy for you to say, you're not hiding anything."

He shifts. "We all have secrets. But someday, all secrets known." He is quiet for a long moment. "Someday, he will know. I hope you tell him before then."

As much as I hate to admit it, he's right; Wilfred is bound to find out soon. I know I need to say something, but where do I start?

"Hello, Kate," a familiar voice says. "May I have this dance?"

"Unfortunately, your highness, I still don't dance."

"Ah, I remember. You said the same thing the night we met," he gives a small chuckle. I smile and nod politely. My response is cut short by the sound of approaching footsteps.

"Your highness," my father interrupts, "I see you've met our Katelyn. I do hope she wasn't keeping you from anything."

"On the contrary," Wilfred answers easily. "I had asked her to dance, but she politely turned me down." He pauses before continuing. "this may be poor timing, but it is a pleasure to meet you, Lord and Lady Morgan."

"The pleasure is ours, your highness," my mother answers sweetly. "I am sorry that it has taken so long to formally meet you. Your mother and I were such good friends growing up, and when she and I found out she was having a boy and I was having a girl, we were so excited for your two to meet."

My father cleared his throat. "Now, Beatrice, you're talking too much again."

"Am I? I do apologize."

"There is no need, my lady," Wilfred smiles, "my mother speaks very highly of you. She has been quite eager to reconnect with you."

"How lovely! I must speak with her before the end of the night."

Before my mother can continue, my father interrupts, "when we see your parents, we will thank them, but we would like to thank you as well for the invitation to this party." My father laughs, but the laugh is quiet and tinged with apprehension.

"Of course. It is our pleasure to have you," the prince replies. It seems as though he wishes to say something else but ultimately says nothing.

"I think we should go see Lady Tremaine," my mother says quietly to father. Father tries to protest but is quickly pulled away. Never underestimate my mother when it comes to matchmaking; she will put her victims in the most uncomfortable situations if it means they will talk. She did the same thing to my friends a few years ago. I wonder why she is playing matchmaker for Wilfred and I. Does father know?

"Kate, if I may, there is something I would like to ask you."


"Well, I-" he stops.

"Yes?" I ask, hoping to prompt him. "You can ask me anything, and I'll be as honest as I can." My heart was beating loudly in my chest. Could he hear it? What did he want to ask? Why do I feel that I don't want to know?

"Perhaps you could meet me in a side room in five minutes? If you go through the door over there, you'll find a parlor that we can use."

I nod. "I'll see you there, your highness."

"Wilfred," he corrects me with a smile.

"I'll see you there, Wilfred." I smiled as he walked away. I waited a moment before standing. Sasha stood with me and escorted me to the room Wilfred had indicated. He walked me inside and helped me sit on a couch in the room.

"I be outside." Without another word, Sasha left the room, the door clicking shut behind him.

Waiting five minutes will take forever. I slip my heels off and tuck my feet under me as I relax on the couch. Well, I say relax. It feels more like pretending to relax while my heart is threatening to explode. Why does the prince want to speak with me? What does he want to ask? Why go to a private room to ask something?

I'm lost in my thoughts when the door opens.


Wilfred's POV

Sasha is standing a few feet away from the door. I know he's being protective of Kate, and I'm appreciative of the fact that he's letting us have a moment alone. But still, I wonder how long Kate will need him. He's a good man, a good companion, but how long will she need a nurse? What happened in the accident?

I force all those thoughts to the back of my mind. Now is not the time to be asking those questions. I open the door to the room and find Kate curled up on the sofa, relaxed as ever. The rain drums softly against the windows, and my voice catches in my throat. She's so beautiful and kind. My biggest fear now is if she rejects me. I'm...I'm not sure I could let her go...

Thanks for reading!

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