Chapter 24 - Surgery

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1 Week Later

The surgery was successful. At least, that was the theory being circled among the hospital staff. The patient, however, remained in bed with bandages around her eyes. She had scarcely said a word since waking after the surgery. Her parents and Sasha visited her often, but she remained quiet through it all. It was as if she was worried her voice would stop her eyes from healing.

Meanwhile, the prince of Oriens sat in his office, taking tea with the prince of Philip. The two were discussing plans for a ball to be held in Noble Michael at the end of the next month. An annual gathering, Philip and Oriens had been asked to provide a theme for this year's party.

"Sunsets and Sunflowers," Glenn suggested.

"No, the use of sunsets may seem pessimistic." Wilfred sighed.

"Like you?"

"Excuse me?"

"You've been in a bad mood all day. What is going on?"

"Kate. She's been missing for a week."


"She left Philip and I don't know where she is. I would call that missing." Wilfred's icy tone revealed how hurt he was despite how he tried to conceal it.

Glenn shook his head. "Tsk, she's not missing."

"What do you mean?" Wilfred looked at him in confusion.

"She's been here in Oriens. At the hospital."

And with those little words, Prince Wilfred felt as though he had been punched for a second time. Finishing the meeting as fast as possible, Wilfred excused himself and had Claude drive him to the nearest hospital where Kate was said to be recovering. He ran into Sasha at the reception desk.

"Sasha," Wilfred said hesitantly upon seeing the tall man.

"Highness," Sasha said with a stiff bow.

"She's here, isn't she?" He didn't even need to ask as the look on Sasha's face said everything. "I must see her. I know you've gotten my texts; I've been trying to apologize to her."

The nurse shook his head. "She has gone through surgery. I no want her sad."

"I just want her to know I'm not mad." He looked at Sasha, not wanting to say the words that were in the back of his mind. He did not want to say that what he really wanted was to know that she forgave him.

"Come with me but say nothing." Sasha turned and motioned for the prince to follow. Either way, Wilfred would know by the end of this journey just how Kate felt. If she forgave him for the things he said or if she regretted ever meeting him.


Kate's POV

There was nothing different. Well, there was a slight difference. The faint light I had come to be familiar with was gone. My bandages are changed daily, but I have had no chance to open my eyes. I do not know what to expect, but I fear the worst. It worries me that I many not be able to see once the bandages are removed. If this operation was not successful...I shudder at the thought.

"Little one," Sasha says as he enters the room and sits down. "How are you feeling?"

"I am as well as can be expected," I say with a small smile, readjusting myself in the hospital bed. Though I lay back in bed, the bed itself is adjusted to a sitting position.

"I wish to ask about sore subject," he says.

"Go ahead," I shrug, "it's not like I can run away."

He hesitates for a moment. "The prince. He text me every day. He want to apologize."

"Apologize? For what? Calling me a liar? He was right." I shake my head. "I should have told him sooner. He has nothing to ask forgiveness for. I didn't act appropriately, and if I had, he never would have gotten hurt."

"You are not hurt by him?"

"I'm not going to lie, what he said hurt. All I wanted was friendship, but," I sigh, "I fell in love. Its my own fault I got hurt. I don't blame him, but that doesn't mean I'm not hurt." Frowning, I sit up straighter. "Why ask me about all this? The prince hates me, and I have no future in his world."

"Surgery might have worked." He says nothing else, but I can hear him telling me that there might be a future with the prince. The surgery might have restored my sight, and the prince might forgive me for not telling him the truth. But no matter how much I hoped otherwise, I knew the truth. The truth was that without honesty, there can be no relationship. Had I just told him the truth things might be different.

"Maybe so, but in the end, it doesn't matter. I'm destined to go my way, and he will go his." I turn my face away from him. Though I cannot see anything, this subtle cue signals my desire to end this conversation. "I'm tired."

"Rest. I go," he pats my hand. The sound of retreating footsteps echoes in my ear. Strange...if I didn't know better, I would think that there were two sets of feet leaving my room. But that was nonsense. Pressing the button on the remote, I reclined my bed to make it easier to sleep. In sleep I wouldn't have to think about the prince and how I feel. For now, I could only rest. The bandages would be off tomorrow; everything else could wait until then.


The Next Day

Dr. Bai and a couple of nurses enter my room. Mother, father, and Sasha all wait anxiously for the bandages to be removed so we will know just how much I can or cannot see. I wait on pins and needles as the doctor begins unwrapping.

"Alright, are you ready to open the first eye?" He says as he removes the long bandage that had been wrapped around my head. Now all that was left was a cotton pad on each eye.

"Yes," I answer. He removes the pad over my right eye and I slowly open it.

"I...there's nothing," I frown. Does this mean...did the surgery not work?"

"Let us check the other eye, and then we can determine what you are or are not seeing," Dr. Bai says gently. He removes the other cotton pad. Though I'm worried, I open my other eye. Darkness.

"Nothing," I say numbly. Surely the surgery worked. But...I only see darkness. It can't be true.

"Tilt your head back," Dr. Bai says. As I do, he puts eye drops in my eyes. I blink as the liquid soothes my eyes. Liquid slides down my cheek, and I'm not sure if it is the eye drops or my tears. I can't see. The surgery didn't work, and I don't know what to say.

"Can you open your eyes?" Dr. Bai says, using a light to look into them.

Wait. A light. I can...see?

To Be Continued...

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