The first day

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y/n's pov~

"OK MOM!" I yelled *god she's annoying* (a/n if a sentence starts with this* then it's a thought k ok ill let ya get back to readin) well time to go to my new high school...unfortunately. Hey who knows maybe i'll find someone like me and we can be shy friends that'd be nice. oh who am i kidding this is gonna suck but im just gonna have to deal i guess.

At least the bus stop is close but i'm not sure when the bus gets here and it's really cold. After a while I saw someone out of the corner of my eye it was a guy and he's kinda cute...I guess. Anyway there's the bus finally so it's time to get to school.

Time skip to school brought to you by Jake from statefarm~

wow already here must have spaced out on the way I guess that's what I get for listening to Alan Walker (real artist btw my favorite) I'm just gonna skip everything else and go to class and ignore everyone else's existence. " ok welcome to highschool and today class we will be learning about how to control..." *blah blah blah* then I think I spaced out again because when I focused on my surroundings again everyone was heading to lunch so I'm just gonna head out too.

Woah who is that guy he's...beating the piss out of a goblin...that's scary better steer clear of him. I would try to help that poor goblin but I don't wanna get hurt. Anyway I finally found an empty table Im just gonna sit in the corner of the table and read i've been reading this book called "come out Tom" (my fav book totally recommend it") as I was reading that same guy sat beside me along with this fish girl and a nerd...zombie thing. That red guy was sitting right next to me and I think he was trying to read my book over my shoulder. The more I looked at him the more I liked him he was basically perfect he looked like everything I wanted to be bold rebellious and cool I was the exact opposite shy timid and basically afraid of everything but everytime I glanced at his face he turned away and blushed, it was kinda cute but I'm way too scared to tell him how I feel and chances are i always will be so i'm just gonna have to hide those feelings away.

Damiens pov brought to you by the great papyrus~

I wanna know who she is and why she's so fucking quiet no monster is like this especially a vampire i've seen her fangs their not as big as mine but they're there and they're actually pretty fucking adorable and I hate her for it that bitch thinks she can just show up and be attractive but not say anything who the hell does she think she is whatever I'll get her sooner or later just wait.

a/n~ so what do you guys think its summer for me so i'm gonna go for daily uploads and yes there is swearing but it's in his nature if you've seen his character that's just what he does and let's be honest we all love him for it eventually i'll do some fluff and maybe lemon if you can't handle that then... you have been warned

His kitten (damien x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt