Breakfast with her family (part 2)

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3rd pov (guess who's back after a long break....its me guys...please don't forget me)

Once y/n and Damien were dressed in more "appropriate" clothes they headed downstairs for breakfast.

As y/n and Damien walked they talked about how y/ns clothes could have just disappeared in the middle of the night, they both decided not to ask y/ns parent because they didn't want them to know Damien had seen y/n naked. When they got downstairs y/ns parents were already up and had breakfast prepared "Damien darling I hope you had a wonderful time with y/n I can tell she really likes you anywho I'm sure you're both hungry come sit and get some breakfast" y/n and Damien agreed and sat down to eat when suddenly her mother said something that explained a lot "oh y/n dear I took the clothes you had on last night off of you so I could wash them I hope that's ok" all y/n and Damien could do was sit there shocked even her father looked surprised and very upset so he pulled y/n's mother aside to have a little "chat" with her leaving y/n and Damien alone to talk. "so...your mom really cares about the laundry doesn't she" Damien said with emphasis on the laundry part "apparently" y/n sighed "'s not like I saw anything new just your perfect body" Damien said laughing to himself remembering a few nights ago while y/n sat there blushing.

It didn't take long before y/n and Damien heard the bus and left excited to be away from y/n's mom and dads bickering.

"Are you ok y/n" Damien asked concern in is voice "yeah I'm fine, why?" "well you did just have to listen to your parents arguing for like twenty minutes doesn't that bother you" confusion in his voice "yeah it happens all the time I don't mind anymore" after that Damien understood why y/n was so shy, she was used to people not getting along so she probably felt like if she spoke up too much she'd get yelled at. He knew it was true because he'd seen the same thing happen to one of his friends, his dad found a new wife and they fought all the time causing him to grow shy and fearful of everything in other words exactly like y/n.

" and you are never gonna argue like that ok and if we do we'll fix it, ok?" "...ok

It didn't take long for y/ns exhaustion to catch up to her so she fell asleep on damiens shoulder on the way to school, now it was Damien's turn to blush and y/ns small frail body isn't helping the situation at all and neither were his friends who were laughing at him for acting like a schoolgirl but deep down Damien knew they didn't matter y/n was the only one who mattered now and he was gonna make sure she knew that he was gonna treat her like the queen she is, forever.

Life went on like normal for the next two weeks with the occasional sleepover and y/ns constant visits to Grimm who she's yet to introduce to Damien even though grimm basically knows him because of how often y/n talks about him. Everything was perfect, until friday.

A/n~ BOOM!!! Cliffhanger bet you weren't expecting it were ya you shouldn't have praised me so much now I have the confidence to make daring moves such as this so BOOM......please don't hate me oh by the way tell me if my chapters are too short I'm just always nervous about that and thanks for all the nice comments guys I appreciate it very much ok see you guys in the next chapter.

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