The date

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Damiens pov~

This is it I have to tell her how I feel even though I hate these stupid fucking emotions I have to listen to them besides if I dont get her now then someone else might and for once i'm not in the mood to beat the shit out of anyone. I just wanna get this over with. I wish I hadn't damned myself so much then maybe I could pray to not get rejected. Well here goes absolutely everything.

Y/n pov~

what's happening where's he taking me god this is terrifying is he mad at me for moving I don't even know him im gonna cry, I already know he's gonna hurt me. whats he doing.

3rd person pov~ again sorry I don't know how to write this next part in 1rst

Damien suddenly pushed y/n onto a wall and said "I LIKE YOU" "...w-what" "i erm i like you" y/n turned a deep crimson and Damien turned as pink as a pig "oh umm"y/n stuttered "I knew you wouldn't like me i'm sorry I dragged you here" and with that he started to walk away with his head down and his tail between his legs "w-wait!" y/n ran up to him "i umm i l-like you t-too" y/n could feel her stomach churn while waiting for his response "REALLY" y/n started to feel really self conscious at that moment trying to respond but struggling to find the right words so she just stuttered out a soft "y-yes" "oh umm well then...would you wanna maybe go out..later tonight" y/n was again at a loss they thought that he was just playing some prank but this was the last thing she expected to happen. "y-yes" "is that all you can say" "y-yes or i-i mean n-no its just u-umm w-well" "haha wow youre adorable I'll pick you up at 7 ok" "o-ok" "wait what's your address " umm my house is the big castle right by the school...there isn't r-really an address" cool that makes it easier I think I saw it at the bus, stop anyway see you then this is gonna be fucking amazing!" and with that he ran off and y/n watched him run until he was out of sight.

y/n pov~

Oh my god I cannot believe that just happened, to ME of all people why would he like me but I won't complain he's gonna be my first date so I don't know what Im gonna do or wear maybe I could ask Grimm she might know what to do, yes I'll ask her she's  been through this stuff before so she would most definitely be able to help.

time skip to grimms house btw grimm is my oc I just wanted to add her in for no reason in particular~ (still y/n pov)

I wonder where she is she never leaves her house not even for school

 "hey y/n what are you doing here" woah there she is...hanging from the ceiling upside down

 "hi grimm...what are you doing...exactly"

 "just hanging out

 "I hate but love you at the same time" 

"cool so what do you want"

 "well there's a guy and he asked me out and I said yes and he said he would pick me up at 7 and he's really cute and I like him and now I don't know what to do and I need your help"

 "...ok well what is he

" "a demon he's the prince of hell

" "oh umm well I guess you should just wear something comfortable you never know what those demons could do and I would know"

 "ok comfortable clothes thats a little too simple though I thought this was gonna be a challenge"

 "dates are only challenging if the guy you're going with is challenging so tell me about him"

"well he's loud rebellious and...that's about it I think"

"wow...sounds like the total package anyway if that's all there is to him then yea just wear something comfortable and you should be fine that's all you really need to know just remember if he tries to rape you get the fuck outta there ok"

"ok I will bye grimm thanks"

"yea sure whatever now scram ya weird"

 time skip to home~

I think I found some options just gotta pick one

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