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3rd pov

As y/n and Damien rode to school on the bus all was well everyone was joking and smiling Damien was in a great mood he didn't have any father problems today even vera was contributing some of her own comedy which no one quite understood but laughed anyway. Scott and Polly were playing a light game of catch while Damien was listening to Miranda, Vera, and y/n chat about school. Yes everything was great and it was shaping out to be an excellent day.

Of course there always has to be one special snowflake and that snowflake happened to be Liam,  Liam wasn't joking or laughing or even smiling he just sat alone  and depressed in the back silently watching y/n while she clung to Damien unknowingly killing Liam on the inside. Fortunately he had a few trolls to keep him company, though they weren't much help I'm sure Liam found some kind of comfort with them around so he didn't have to feel so lonely on that sad day. Anyway as for our lovely y/n she did notice Liam every now and then but she just wasn't very good at reading emotions, so she remained clueless as to how he was feeling. Besides y/n had other things on her mind, she felt that her and Damien had been together for a while and their relationship was growing stronger by the minute and it was time to introduce him to someone very important to her. 

Time skip brought to you by wolverines hotness~

Just as soon as school had started it ended and y/n and Damien were on their way back home, or at least that's what Damien thought, but y/n had been too shy to ask Damien if he wanted to go with her to see her friend so she asked the bus driver to drop them off at the surprise location in secret to which she happily obliged. She had also told Vera about this so she could help y/n keep Damien distracted so he wouldn't notice their change in direction which was easier than first expected since he was so wrapped up in y/ns beauty to notice. Speaking of y/ns beauty Liam was also admiring her from a distance and who could blame him she was perfect from her golden s/c to her shining e/c she really was the definition of gorgeous, so it wasn't surprising that Liam had fallen for her so easily but she had already fallen for Damien which is why he felt so hopeless he knew he couldn't have her no matter how much he wanted and it was making him insane. So he came up with a plan to get her but it was going to require a lot of help and everyone else loved the fact that they were together so in order for him to get the help he needed he was going to have to make everyone hate Damien.

Once y/n and Damien got to their surprise stop he turned to her with a confused expression on his face, "where are we?" "we're at my my friends house I wanted you to meet her if thats ok" she said timidly secretly regretting her decision "yeah that's fine why didn't you say something sooner?" he questioned "w-well I thought you might get umm mad i-if I asked" she replied with tears pricking her pretty e/c eyes "Why would I be mad about something like that" he said while wiping the tears from her eyes "I...I don't know I just t-thought you might..for some reason" "of course not baby" he said with the cutest smile. After that you two walked up to the house that y/n had grown to be so comforted by, after all she was here all the time. They approached the house glad to have the surprise thing out of the way, Damien was talking about burning down the school again while y/n was listening and laughing at his crazy ideas though she knew he would do it if she wasnt there to stop him. Suddenly someone approached them from behind, stalking them all they way up the unnecessarily long driveway. Once they reached the door a certain someone jumped out from behind a tree and yelled "Y/NS IN LOVE WITH A BAD BOY!!!" scaring both y/n and Damien half to death, both of them fell down and were scrambling to their feet to see who the voice belonged to. When y/n recognized who had just scared them she ran up to them and tackled them to the ground "GRIMM YOU JERK" she cried out while laughing uncontrollably to which Damien responded to with yet another confused expression.

A/n~ I dont have too much to say but I did want to ask if you guys think I should try to make longer chapters like with 1000 words instead of my normal 700-ish words just lemme know and I'll try to make it happen 

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