Chapter 4 - Playground Fights

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The next day, Cas woke up and got ready for work, kissed Dean goodbye and headed out to the car. He backed out of the drive way and drove to his work at Wayward High. Upon arriving, Cas was greeted by a group of people huddling around what seemed to be a fight. He quickly jumped out of 'Baby' and ran towards the huddle. He pushed past the crowd of people, quickly making it to the front of the pack and spying two boys wrestling on the floor, throwing the occasional punch earning cheers from the crowd. "Break it up!" Castiel hollered loudly over the commotion, attempting to be heard over the noise.

As Cas yelled, the crowd spread out a bit but continued watching as it was clear the boys weren't going to separate. They both looked like they should be able to crush Cas just by thinking about it so when he went to intervene he gained some surprised looks. He decided that being an angel and a teacher, it was his job to help these boys so he walked up and grabbed the boy on top by the shirt and yanked him up using a bit of his grace to do so. He stood between the two boys and fixed them with a hard glare but they didn't seem to get the message as they kept swinging at each other. They only stopped when one boy accidentally punched Cas square in the jaw earning 'ooohs' and 'aaahs' from the crowd but when Castiel didn't flinch and the boy pulled back and clutched his hand they began to laugh. "What the hell is your face made of!?" He asked loudly, clearly still in pain, his knuckles begining to bruise. "How did that not hurt you!?"

"You're a weak punch." Cas anwered earning more laughter from the crowd. "And you're also coming with me to the principal's office, both of you." He instucted with an air of authority.

They both groaned as they followed Cas to the principal's office. "He started it!" One boy accused, pointing at the other with an angry look.

"Tell it to the principal, not me!" Cas yelled and they were once again in silence. Once they reached their destination, Castiel had to stay there and make a statement as did the boys.

"So you mean to tell me that you two idjits got into a fist fight over some girl? And that you punched Mr Novak in the face and he didn't even flinch?" The principal, Mr Singer, asked with a face that said 'are you serious?'

"Yes sir." The boys answered at the same time, glaring at eachother angrily.

"Okay then." Mr Singer said. "You'll both be suspended for a week and thats final. Mr Novak, you may go." He instructed.

Castiel walked out and was greeted by none other Charlie Bradbury eavesdropping at the door. "OMG!" She practically screamed, "You're like a superhero!"

Cas and Charlie had started to make their way to the teachers lounge, which they had time to go to because Cas arrived earlier, when Cas replied "Whatever you say Charlie."

They made it to the lounge chatting quiety as they walked in. They went over to join the conversation between the other teachers. There were only a few teachers that Cas was friends with, he knew the others but not really. There was Charlie, the IT teacher, Kevin, the maths teacher, Jo, the PE teacher and Ellen, the deputy principal. They were all spread across the room but seemed to be having one big conversation. "Hi guys!" Cas greeted them cheerily.

There was a chorus of things along the lines of 'hey Cas' and they went back to their conversation. When Cas tuned in to what they were talking about, it seemed that all the gossip was focused on Cas' stunt yesterday and the fight this morning. "How did he lift it though?" Jo inquired about the beams yesterday.

"Yeah, and how did he not even flinch when he got punched in the face?" Ellen wondered aloud.

"Why don't you ask him, dumbasses?" Charlie said, gesturing to Castiel who was just going to sit down. "He just got here, you can't have already forgotten."

"Oh yeah! Cas how did you do it?" Jo asked, now looking directly at him.

"I already told them." Castiel said, pointing to the two PE teachers that had been trying to lift the beams before him. "It just happened."

"Yeah, but we don't believe you." One of the teachers that Cas didn't really know chimed in. "I can see it on your face, you do know."

Cas became very flustered at this, what was he supposed to say? He couldn't exactly tell them all the truth and he was a terrible liar. "Umm, I think you're mistaken, I do work out a bit so maybe that's it." He said uncertainly. He gained a few suspicious stares but they left him alone.

He had a conversation with Charlie for the remainder of his free time until he had to go and set up his first lesson with those pesky seniors. They'll no doubt still be gossiping about the fight and the incident yesterday so he's almost certain that it'll be a disruptive lesson. Sure enough, when the group of teenagers entered the classroom, they were all having hushed conversations regarding recent events and when they saw him there was a small round of applause and many pats on the back.

A group of girls, Alyssa, Kaitlyn and Ebony, waltzed up to his desk during all the commotion and looked at him with flirty gazes. "Hey handsome, why don't you use those strong hands of yours for some fun later tonight?" Alyssa winked and slipped a piece of paper onto his desk with a phone number written on it.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not a pedophile." He informed her sassily, sliding the piece of paper back towards her, "But better luck next time." After that she stormed away, obviously not used to rejection.

Cas really didn't like playground fights.

A/N - Is anyone actually reading this? I like writing but I don't want to feel pressured to update if no one cares. Please comment if you like my story and sorry for the lack of Destiel but there's more to come.

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