Chapter 9 - So Much For Privacy

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Castiel got to school the next day to find a swarm of teenagers waiting by his usual parking spot. He pulled in and stopped the car. "What the hell?" He whispered to himself.

"Mr Novak!" One student called once he had stepped out of the car but he just kept walking because he didn't like the attention. "Is it true that you're dating Dean Winchester?" She questioned excitedly.

This made Castiel freeze, his eyes widening as he abruptly turned around to look at the student. "W-what?" He stuttered, starting to panic. "Why would you... uh, I mean... No, of course not."

"OMG! You are!" She squeeled. "I totally knew it!"

"What part of that made you think that you were right?" Cas asked incredulously. "I flat out denied it!" He reasoned.

"Yeah, and you're getting all flustered and defensive." The student answered back without missing a beat. "Oh, we also have video proof." She finnished.

The shocked look on Cas' face in that moment gave it all away. "How many people know?" Cas asked, sighing in defeat.

"Uh... ummm." The student started, hesitantly. "Everyone." She finnished, her voice going higher with uncertainty, scared of how her teacher would react.

"Oh, well that's just great." Cas sighed sarcastically, pushing his way through the crowd to get to the school, leaving a group of excited teenagers in his wake.

The halls were fairly empty as Cas briskly walked towards his first class. He couldn't believe that they had found out and news was sure to spread quickly. As soon as he got into his classroom he shut the door and shakily dialed Dean's number. "Hey Cas!" Dean answered brightly. "What's goin' on cutie?"

"They know, Dean." Cas told him quietly. "The students know about our relationship, and if they know, then the internet will know and the other angels will find me!" Cas said, his voice increasing in volume as he began to hyperventilate.

"Okay, Cas, it's okay." Dean cooed through the phone. "Just calm down, we'll figure it out."

Dean sounded so sure, but Cas knew better, he could be killed. The angels would definitely be keeping an eye out for him and this will go viral. "It's not okay, Dean." Cas argued. "The angels are going to find me." He wispered with tears coming to his eyes.

"No, Cas. I won't let them." Dean stated confidently with an air of finality. "You know what, I'm coming to the school. They all know anyway." Dean said before hanging up.

Cas walked over to his desk and slumped down in his chair to wait for Dean, swiveling around in a mixture of nervousness and impatience. About ten minutes later, Dean came bursting through the door with a trail of excited students following closely behind him. He tried to close the door before any of them made it through but they managed to hold the door open and push through. "Guys, guys, come on. Please get out." Dean pleaded with the eager group but was ignored as they continued to push.

"Everybody out!" Cas yelled over the noise, causing everybody to stop what they were doing and turn to him. "Now!" He ordered as the students started to scramble out of the room and into the hallway, allowing Dean to close the door.

"Thanks, Cas." Dean said, a little bit out of breath from running. "Now, about this angel problem."

"There is only five minutes to talk, Dean. You could've waited 'till I got home." Cas informed him. "But since you're here, we're gonna need a plan."

As Cas was talking, Dean took out his phone and searched for his name on youtube and just as suspected, the most recent video was the one with him and Cas and it already had over a million views. "They've uploaded it to youtube and it's going viral." Dean relayed what he read to Cas. "There's no way that the God Squad missed this. They know that you're alive."

"Well, you should get away, get far away so you don't get caught in the crossfire." Cas instructed him. "If one of my brothers or sisters sees you, they will kill you along with me."

"Uh... how about no?" Dean answered sarcastically. "I'm going to stay right here, I'm not even going to go home. If they come, we'll fight 'em together."

Just as Cas was about to argue further, the bell rang and Dean opened the door to let the students into the classroom. "Saved by the bell." He muttered, watching as Dean walked to the back of the room while all of the students sat down. "What are you doing, Dean?" Cas asked with a sigh.

"I'm staying right here incase one of those dicks with wings comes and tries to kill my man." Dean stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Fine, but all of you..." He began, addressing his students, "Better not get distracted by him." He warned.

"Are you kidding?" One kid asked incredulously. "You're dating Dean freaking Winchester!"

"Actually." Dean cut in. "He's married to Dean freaking Winchester." He smirked, holding his hand with his ring up for everyone to see. This caused an uproar from all of the students.

"OMG! Mr Novak is married to Dean!" They squeeled.

"Dean!" Cas scolded. "I thought we were trying to lay low!"

"They already know." Dean reasoned. "They're gonna come either way."

"Yeah, I guess." Cas replied solemnly. "Anyway, let's start the lesson!" He said in a brighter tone. This got a chorus of 'yes sir' so he took that as his sign to begin.

After the lesson was over, Cas' next class came bounding into the room, only to stop dead in their tracks when they saw Dean. They all started talking at once forming a blob of random noise until Cas got them to be quiet and explained everything, but even after he explained there was still excited chatter throughout the entirety of his lesson. This repeated in all of his classes so he eventually got used to it.

When the home time bell sounded, Cas was relieved that the day was over so he could spend time with Dean, but when they stepped out of the classroom, they were bombarded with questions. Well, so much for privacy.

A/N- So many people have read this! I'm so greatful to all of you! You all have Aizzia_Garcia_ to thank for the motivation to update. Thanks! ♡

Behind The Screen - Destiel AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora