Chapter 13 - Sounds Like A Plan

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Cas cracked one eye open and was met with a dark room. "What the Hell?" He mumbled groggily. "Where am I?"

"Well, well, well." Came the patronizing voice of Naomi from behind him. "You're awake Cassie." She walked slowly around him, her high heels clacking on the damp concrete floor and the sound of a dripping tap echoing around the cold room.

"Where am I?" Cas repeated more firmly.


"Care to elaborate?" He asked sassily.

"No." Naomi smiled. "I'll just wait for your precious Dean to find you and then I'll kill him."

"No!" Cas screamed in horror. "You can't! I'll do anything you ask." He begged, tears beginning to prick behind his eyes.

"You just don't get it Castiel!" Naomi yelled, her calm demeanor evaporating. "He is the reason that you rebelled! He is a distraction!"

"But I love him." Cas whispered as a hot tear rolled down his cheek. "You can't take him."

"That's exactly what I mean!" Naomi exclaimed triumphantly. "You won't obey heaven as long as he is a distraction so we must get rid of him."

"He is my family!" Cas yelled, a broken, cracked sound full of pain and anguish.

"We are your family. Your brothers and sisters." Naomi argued coldly.

"Family, you wouldn't even know the meaning of the word." Castiel spat.

"We are your blood!"

"A wise man once told me that family doesn't end in blood and it doesn't start there either." Cas said, determined to get through to her. "Family is there for you when you need them and they love you no matter what."

"Those are human thoughts, you are an angel, Castiel!" Naomi cried.

"Well, what if I don't want to be an angel anymore? I'm ashamed of my species!"

Naomi made a sound of pure rage, a strangled scream as she swung at him with her fist. Her punch connected with his jaw making a sickening crunch and causing Cas to spit blood. "You would rather be human!"

"Yes!" Castiel growled, spitting blood into Naomi's face in defiance.

After that Naomi was scarily calm as her angel blade dropped into her hand from somewhere in her sleeve. Her face showed no emotion as she began to carve into Castiel as if he were a pumpkin on Halloween. She stayed passive as she listened to his ear splitting cries full of pure pain. Castiel didn't know how long she was slicing his skin before she finally stopped abruptly mid slash. She walked away without saying a word as a defeated tear cut through the blood on Castiel's face, like Naomi had through his skin, and rolled off his chin but there was only one thing on Cas' mind, Dean.


"All right, here's what we're gonna do." Dean said to Sam, Bobby and John who were all standing in the living room of Dean and Castiel's house. "We're gonna call all the hunters we know, call in every favour that we can and we are gonna save Cas."

"We need to find him first." Sam reminded him gently. "Look, I know that your worried but-"

"No, you don't know." Dean said, cutting him off. "He is my husband, my better half, you have no idea how worried I am."

"Okay, but let's just think about this a bit." Bobby stepped in, reasonable as always. "We will call in a few favours and they can help us to find Cas."

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