Chapter 7 - Everything

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Castiel looked at Charlie with a serious expression. "I am an angel of the lord." He told her.

She stared at him for a second and then, seeming to accept his story, let out a high pitched squeal of what seemed to be... joy? "Oh my God, sorry I mean gosh, I knew you were some kind of super hero!" She exlaimed.

"Trust me Charlie, I'm no hero." Cas said solemnly, "I've done some things that I'm not proud of in my long life time, you can't even begin to imagine."

"Try me." Charlie challenged stubbornly, "Tell me your story Cas, tell me everything."

"Okay, but not here." He said hesitantly, remembering that they were still in the teacher's lounge. He put a hand on Charlie's shoulder. "Brace yourself." He said before teleporting to his favourite park.

"Woah." Charlie breathed, looking around at their new surroundings. "That was so cool!" She sqealed. Cas noticed that she did that a lot. "Now tell me everything."

They were sitting on a park bench surrounded by grass and trees when Cas began. "I was created just after the your Sun. I was trained to be the perfect soldier, to serve Heaven and to never question my orders. I followed them for millions of years and I was promoted to leader of my garrison. Doubt was a foreign concept to me, I had never doubted my father or my siblings. That was until I was assigned the task of pulling the righteous man out of hell. He had unwillingly started the biblical apocalypse and the angels told him that we were trying to stop it, but really we wanted to start it but in doing so we would have killed half of the planet. He was the one to make me question my role, he made me realise my doubt so I rebelled against Heaven to help him and his brother save the world. Now, all of my brothers and sisters are hunting me down, well technically they think that I'm dead because Michael killed me but God brought me back but if I ever show my face, I'll be killed. My biggest regret is that I helped to start the apocalypse that cost so many people their lives." Cas told her truthfully, starting to tear up.

"And you say your not a hero?" Charlie asked incredulously. "You literally saved the world, Cas!"

"Yeah, but I betrayed my family in doing so and now I'm hiding like a coward at a high school, it's shameful." Cas argued sadly, "I'm a disappointment to my own family." He said quietly.

"I don't agree with you, but I won't argue." Charlie said, backing down, "But I do want to know more about this 'righteous man' that convinced you to help save the world. What's his name?" Charlie asked eagerly.

"His name is Dean." Cas answered vaguely.

"Last name." Charlie ordered. "Do I know him?"

"You would have heard of him but you have to promise not to tell anyone. Got it?" Cas said, making sure that he could trust her. He couldn't believe that he was about to tell another person about Dean.

"I promise." Charlie said seriously, holding her hand over her heart. "I won't tell a single soul."

"His name is Dean Winchester, yes the famous youtuber, and we also miiiight be married." Cas informed her nervously, trying to gauge her reaction.

A massive smile spread across Charlie's face, "I didn't know you were married!" She exlaimed. "And to Dean freaking Winchester! That's awesome!"

Cas laughed at her reaction and was suddenly very happy that he told her about his life. It felt nice to have someone other than Dean who he could confide in. "I knew I could trust you, Charlie, You really are my closest friend." He said.

"Can I meet him?" Charlie asked, bouncing up and down. "Dean, I mean, can I meet Dean." She clarified. "Like, right now."

"Uh." Cas hesitated, "I don't see why not." He answered slowly earning yet another squeal from Charlie and a bone crushing hug.

"Yay! Let's go now!" She screamed, turning around and walking in a random direction.

"We can just fly there." Cas stated. "Because it's a thirty minute walk... in the other direction." He told her.

"Oh yeah, right. Forgot about that." Charlie said dumbly. "Still trying to wrap my head around it."

Castiel put his hand on her shoulder and teleported them inside his house. "We need to be quick because there's only about ten minutes left of lunch." He instructed, looking over at Charlie who nodded in agreement.

They walked further into the house where they heard Dean reciting his signature outro and getting up. "Hello Dean." Cas greeted making him jump and spin around quickly.

"Hey Cas." Dean said, a little out of breath from his scare. "Who's this?" He asked, now directing his attention towards Charlie.

Before Cas had a chance to answer, Charlie jumped in. "Hi! I'm Charlie!" She said with a goofy grin. "I'm Cassie's bestest friend ever!"

Dean laughed. He liked this girl already but he wondered why Cas was suddenly trusting her to meet him. "Hi Charlie, I'm Dean, Cas' husband." He answered, glancing at Cas to make sure that she knew about their relationship.

"I know! And I totally ship it." She stated. "I shall call you... Destiel." She decided.

"Okay." Dean answered with a laugh. "Whatever you say."

"I don't ge- oh, nevermind." Cas said in realization, only just understanding what Charlie was talking about. "Continue."

"So how much do you know about Cas?" Dean asked, wondering if she knew about him being an angel or not.

"I know basically his whole life story." Charlie stated nonchalantly, earning a surprised look from Dean.

"Everything?" He asked.

"Everything." She clarified. "He killed a demon with his cool angel hoodoo and then he summarized his life."

"Well you do have a very trustworthy face." Dean reasoned, "But you understand that no one, and I mean no one can find out, right?" He asked, making sure that she knew that it was a secret.

"Yep." Came her reply. "As much as I want to tell people that I'm best friends with a badass angel, I know I can't because he is being hunted and all that." She said.

"I trust her Dean." Cas told him. If he didn't he wouldn't have told her about his life. He would have just wiped her memory and moved on, but he knew that it was the right decision to tell her. To tell her everything.

A/N - I can't believe that people have actually read this, it's so cool! There are more reads than I thought I could ever get. Thanks! ♡

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