Chapter 12 - Life Isn't Fair

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The next day, Cas was walking into the school with his group consisting of Sam, Dean and John when Charlie came running up to him. "Hey Cas!" She called, breathing heavily. "I just overheard some kid saying that someone is coming after you! Is it true?" She asked frantically.

"What did this kid look like?" Cas asked calmly.

"Uh... he had dark brown hair and umm... dark eyes, really pale too with heaps of freckles." Charlie recounted, racking her brain.

"Yeah, he was telling the truth." Cas said, answering Charlie's previous question. "He was eavesdropping on my phone call." He explained.

"Oh my god, Cas!" Charlie yelled. "Is this an angel thing?" She questioned in a quieter voice so only Cas could hear.

"Yeah." He sighed. "Why do you think they're here?" He pointed out, looking at his friends who were a little bit behind him.

"Oh." Charlie mumbled in realization. "Hi!" She waved brightly earning a small wave from Sam and Dean and a nod from John.

"You should stay away from me just in case they try to get you as well." Cas instructed solemnly. "I don't want you to get hurt."

"I can help!" Charlie suggested hopefully. "Teach me how to fight them!"


"I could set up cameras and monitor the area from my phone?" She tried again.

Cas was about to reject her idea until he really thought about it. "Okay, do what you have to do, tech nerd."

A wide smile creeped onto Charlie's face as she thought about how she could make this work. "Aye, Aye captain!" She mocked with a salute. "See you later!"

"Later loser!" Cas called after her before turning back to his group.

"She's crazy." He heard John wisper to Sam causing him to stifle a laugh.

"Heard that." Cas said while turning around and continuing to walk. He heard Sam bark out a laugh before following him.

The school was going to have an assembly before the first period so they made their way towards the auditorium. "Ugh." Dean groaned.


"I don't wanna sit through boring announcements!" He whined with an over dramatic sigh.

"Deal with it." Cas responded sassily, shutting down Dean's complaining. "You're the one who wanted to tag along to my work."

"Point taken." Dean chuckled. "I love that you listen to my opinions." He mumbled sarcastically.

They walked up the stairs that lead to the double doors of the auditorium and walked through. They were instantly greeted by the quiet chatter of the students who had already arrived and taken their seats which were all facing the stage at the front of the large room. They all took a seat in the back row with Cas sitting closest to the middle isle followed by Dean, then Sam and then John. Charlie was on the other side of the isle and Bobby was already somewhere in the room as he was the principal and he had to sit at the front.

The hall became quiet as the bell went, heels clacking on the wooden floor the only sound as the deputy principal walked up to the microphone. She tapped it three times to check that it worked before speaking. "Good morning students and staff." She started, droning on about announcements and all that stuff that teacher's don't actually care about.

The assembly was in full swing when Cas felt the floor start to shake and heard the roof begin to rattle. He frantically turned to Dean, Sam and John who all shared a look. "Maybe it's just the wind?" Sam suggested.

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