Chapter 6 - What Are You?

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The next day Cas was nervous to be going to work. The media hadn't blown up about 'Dean Winchester's secret husband' yet, so he took that as a good sign. He rolled up to the to the school in Dean's black 67' Chevy Impala and parked in his normal spot on the left hand side of the parking lot. He got out and made his way into the school.

He nervously glanced around at all the faces of his students who seemed to be going about their days normally, none the wiser about his secret husband. He never should have doubted that Zara would keep her promise, she was a good kid. Cas walked into his first session class with a relieved smile on his face and wrote a few things on the board in preparation for his class. He heard steps approaching his classroom so he turned away from what he was doing to see who it was but when he also heard his husband's voice coming from a phone he knew it could only be one person. Zara. Accompanied by her entourage of Alexis and Freya, as per usual. Zara looked up from the phone and gave Cas a knowing smile before turning back to the video she was watching. "Hello girls." Cas greeted in a friendly tone. "How are you?"

"Hi sir!" They all greeted cheerily in unison, "We're good." Freya said.

"Cool." Cas replied simply before going back to writing on the board. The girls continued to watch Dean's videos with the volume loud enough for Cas to hear, he occasionally chuckled at Dean's jokes until more people started flowing into the room and they had to turn it off.

"Okay class!" Cas started his lesson, only to be interrupted by the sound of somebody's phone going off.

"OMG!" Freya squealed excitedly. "Dean uploaded a new video!"

"Can we watch it, sir?" Zara asked him. "It looks really good!" She added, looking over Freya's shoulder at the phone screen. She gave him a pointed look that said 'you kinda have to'.

"If you finnish all of your work then I guess we can watch it at the end of the of the lesson." Cas answered hesitantly. "But no promises." He added quickly. There were cheers from all the girls and some of the guys at hearing this because who doesn't love Dean?

The lesson went by smoothly and all the work was finnished quickly leaving ten minutes at the end to watch the new video. "Okay guys, you worked really well so I guess we can watch Dean's new video." Cas said, gaining the attention of the class. Cas searched up the video by name and pressed play as Dean's signature intro played.

"Sir?" One girl asked from the front row. He hummed in response, looking up from his computer screen and at the girl. "How did you know what the video was called?" She asked him suspiciously.

This caught Cas off guard. "Umm, I uh, I searched it up during the lesson." He replied nervously, getting more confident as the sentence went on. The girl looked at him for a moment longer before accepting it and looking back at the screen.

Cas let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and turned back to the video. He laughed along with his class when Dean cracked a joke and kept a loving smile on his face the whole time. When the video was over, he looked up at his class to find Zara looking at him with a smile on her face. She could see how much he loved Dean just by looking at him, he smiled at everything Dean had said even if it was through a screen. Just then, the bell went and the class all got up to leave. When Zara walked past Cas she wispered, "You've gone all gooey eyed." And then she walked out with a satisfied smile on her face as her teacher blushed and looked away.

The rest of Cas' classes went smoothly right up until lunch time. He walked to the teacher's lounge which was emptmy except for Charlie and a girl that he didn't recognize. "Hey Cas!" Charlie called happily causing the girl she was talking to to turn around.

When he saw her face he knew exactly what she was. "Demon." He sneered. The demon looked startled until she also saw his face.

"Angel." she sneered with just as much venom as he had.

"What?" Charlie asked, clearly confused. "Do you guys know eachother?"

"No but he is a filthy angel." She growled.

"Oh we're the filthy ones?" He asked incredulously. "You're the demon."

"You're known among us demons Castiel." She informed him. "You betrayed your family and stopped the apocalypse that was supposed to put us in charge. We hate you almost as much as the other angels do."

That was the last straw. Castiel's eyes glowed a bright blue and two strong black wings sprouted from his back making him look even more intimidating. "Don't insult me!" He shouted before walking up to the trembling demon.

A thick trail of black smoke came shooting out of it's mouth but Cas stopped it, pushing it back in and covering the demons mouth as he killed it. It's eyes glowed orange and then it fell to the ground with it's eyes burned out. "Disgusting." Cas spat before turning back to Charlie and tucking his wings away.

She was still standing in exactly the same spot, frozen in shock. "I'm not going to hurt you." Cas told her, noticing the wary look that she gave him.

She nodded slowly in response, still frozen on the spot, not sure what she was supposed to do. Did she bow or run? "Is that still you Cas?" She asked hesitantly. She didn't want him to kill her like he did to Jane.

"Yes, It's still me Charlie. She was a demon, she had to die, even if she was your friend."

Charlie just stared at him, "What are you?"

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