Chapter 8 - That's Going On YouTube

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A few weeks went past uneventfully, Charlie kept Cas' secret and Zara kept his other one, everything was going good.

"Happy anniversary!" Dean yelled, startling Cas from his meditation. "We're four years old today!" He exlaimed happily. It was Saturday the eleventh of March, the day they got married, but four years later.

"Happy anniversary Dean!" Cas yelled just as enthusiastically as his husband had. "Are we gonna do anything today?" He asked.

"Of course we are!" Dean answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "But first, I got you an awesome present so lets go!"

"Okay." Cas chuckled at Dean's childish antics. "I got you a present too, it's down stairs." He informed him.

They made their way down stairs and into the loungeroom where Cas went and pulled out a wrapped box from behind the TV cabinate and Dean pulled a flat rectangle from under the couch. "What is it?" Dean asked curiously.

"Open it and find out." Cas instructed, "I'm not telling."

"Okay, here goes!" Dean said excitedly, ripping open the wrapping paper. Inside was a box which he opened revealing heaps of ripped up rainbow paper. He rummaged through the paper until he saw two different pieces of paper, concert tickets. "Oh my god! Cas we're gonna see Kansas!" He screamed in the most manly way possible, of course.

"Do you like it?" Cas asked with a smile, already knowing the answer just by looking at his face.

"I love it Cas!" He yelled, giving him a short kiss. "Thank you so much! Now open yours!"

"Alright." Cas took the flat rectangle from Dean and tore off the wrapping paper. Inside was a framed picture of both of them, Cas in his signature trench coat and suit with large black wings sprouting from his back, almost exactly the same as his. He was standing next to Dean who was wearing a red flannel shirt and jeans. "I love it!" Cas marveled, staring at the picture in awe.

"I knew you'd like it!" Dean exlaimed. "I love you."

"I love you too."

After opening their gifts, Cas made them both pancakes with maple syrup for breakfast. "These are so good Cas!" Dean praised. "It's like heaven on a plate."

"Heaven on a plate wouldn't be very nice." Cas informed him sadly. "Not anymore, I've heard about all the chaos over angel radio."

"Oh, I'm sorry Cas." Dean sighed. "Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked.

"It's just that without Michael, they have no leader and they don't know what to do with free will and I can't help." Cas said honestly.

"It'll be okay Cas." Dean said reasuringly. "I'm sure they'll figure it out."

"I hope so." Cas said, clearly not wanting to continue that conversation.

"Do you wanna go out for lunch later?" Dean asked, changing the subject.

"Yeah." Cas replied, his mood brightening. "What about that little outdoor restaurant with the good burgers? That's really nice." He asked.

"Good idea" Dean answered. "Why not have burgers on our anniversary?" He laughed.

After they finnished their breakfast, they decided to go and see a movie before lunch. "Which one though?" Cas asked, scanning the options. "We need a really sappy romantic one for our really sappy romantic date." He added with a laugh.

"Or we could watch one that doesn't suck, like an action or a comedy." Dean argued.

"Yeah, I like that idea better." Cas agreed quickly. "What about Deadpool 2? We watched the first one not that long ago and this one looks good."

"Sure, let's go get the tickets." Dean complied, walking to the end of the line for tickets. "It starts in half an hour."

After they got their tickets and bought popcorn, they went to the cinema that their tickets said and sat in their seats. They had just started to eat the popcorn when Cas spotted a group of his students sitting down at the other side of the room. "There's some of my students over there." Cas said nervously, nudging Dean and discreetly pointing in the general direction of the people he saw. "Make sure they don't see you." He warned.

Just as he finnished talking, the movie started so he turned back to the screen and snuggled closer to Dean. When the movie finnished, they had forgotten all about Cas' students so they got up to leave just like any normal time. They didn't notice that one of the students had seen them, or that they followed them to the restaurant where they went to have lunch.

When they got there, Cas walked around the table and pulled out a chair. "Have a seat." He said in an overly posh accent, making them both burst into laughter.

After Dean sat down, Cas kissed him on the cheek and walked around to his chair. Just as he sat down, a waitress came to their table, quite obviously giving Dean flirty eyes. "What would you two like for lunch this afternoon?" She asked with a smile, completey directed at Dean but not ignoring Cas. She seemed nice, but Dean was not available.

"We'll have two of your finest burgers, thanks." Cas answered before Dean could, giving her a pointed look as he put his hand over Dean's on the table.

"O-Okay." She said looking down in embarrassment and walking away to get their food.

After she left, Dean looked at Cas and instantly started laughing. "Oh my god!" He breathed in between laughs, his face completely red. "You were so jealous!"

"Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up." Cas grumbled. "At least you only have to worry about one gender."

This made Dean break into another laughing fit, Cas chuckling along with him. By the time he was finnished, he was wiping tears from his eyes and his face hurt from smiling. "Okay, I'll stop now. The food's here." He said, looking past Cas at the same waitress carrying two delicious looking burgers.

"Here you go." She said, placing their food on the table and quickly shuffling away.

"Damn!" Cas exlaimed through a mouth full of burger. "I forgot how good these were."

"Me too! I don't wanna stop eating it." Dean joked. "We should come here more often."

"Definitely." Came Cas' reply after he swallowed his mouthful of burger.

After they finnished their food, they sat there and talked for a little while until they decided to leave. Dean put some money on the table before finding Cas' hand and walking to the car. Little did they know, Cas' students had been watching them. They recorded the whole thing and intended to tell everyone about Dean Winchester and their history teacher.

"Wow, I can't believe that Mr Novak is dating Dean Winchester." One student said with wide eyes. "That's going on YouTube."

A/N- I'm so sorry it's taken so long. I was busy with school and all that stuff but I hope you like it! Thanks ♡

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