Part 1: The Academy

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   It was Lance's first day at the academy. As he walked slowly toward the large archway entrance with his beat-up suitcase in hand, he looked back at his family. His mother had tears in her eyes and his siblings were waving frantically at him. He smiled reassuringly at them.

This was the first time they had ever been separated. Lance didn't know if he would be able to get through it. The thought of leaving his family almost brought tears to his blue eyes. God, he was almost sixteen, he couldn't cry in front of all the others. That would be the death of him.

He looked back one last time and gave a small wave. His mother was now leaning on his brother for support. He studied the rag-tag group that was his family one last time. He knew he wouldn't see them for a long time, they had already spent so much on flying a few of them out here. After a few seconds of probing silence, he turned and strode boldly through the entrance, not looking back.

His long legs carried him swiftly through the archway and into the packed courtyard. There were kids everywhere, some sitting on benches or just standing around. Boys and girls ranging from ages thirteen to nineteen packed the grassy area. Some were chatting with friends and others looked nervously around, leaning against small trees and waiting for their dorm assignments. Lance felt like he was shriveling up inside. He knew no one and had no idea where to go. He usually was a star at meeting new people and making the best of every situation, but it seemed different this time around. He felt trapped and scared and he didn't know why.

The academy was humongous, it was split into four different buildings. Each of the big buildings had a huge metal entrance with the doors flung open, kids strolling through to find their dorms. Each had a cement walkway leading to a large circular region where the info stations were, surrounding a big fountain. Lance did a three-sixty spin, his hands gripping his suitcase. It was all overwhelming.

He almost turned around and ran back to his family's car, which surly hadn't gotten far. Maybe he could catch up to them.

No. He couldn't do that.

He had worked so hard for this. Spent every last waking second studying and planning. His whole family was counting on him. He couldn't fail. He wouldn't allow himself to.

Plus, his mom would totally whip his ass.

He closed his eyes and counted to twenty, something his mom had taught him many years ago. It calmed down his speeding heart and cleared his head. He missed them all so much already. He just wanted to hug each and every one of them one more time.

 He was fine. He was good. He could deal. Lance took another deep breath, is large shoulders going up and then down.

Suddenly, a person on a phone ran straight into him, dropping the four large books that were in their small hands and yelling curses Lance didn't even know. They might have even been in Italian. Lance had let out a loud 'Dios mío' as the books hit the ground and several students were staring. 

  Lance couldn't tell if they were a boy or a girl to say the least, but they had short, light brown hair and was wearing a baggy green shirt over their skinny body. They couldn't have been more than four foot six and looked to be about twelve. Lance towered over them by a good foot and a half. Lance stood there in shock as they stilled and sounded as though they were reciting equations and breathing in and out, making their bangs move.

'Oh my god, I'm so sorry. Let me help you.' Lance quickly said as he bent down to grab the books. He wondered how the heck they had carried them anywhere, they probably weighed the same, plus, they were wearing a giant green backpack that was close to tipping them over.

They had just finished their silent equations as Lance stood back up. Finally, they opened their squinted eyes and adjusted their giant circular glasses. They quickly grabbed the books and glanced up at Lance.

'Watch where you're going next time. Okay?' They snapped. They seemed to realize how rude they sounded and closed their eyes. 'I'm sorry about that. I'm just stressed.'

Lance nodded, reajusting his suitcase and then slowly setting on the ground, smiling shyly. They just stared at him, like they were expecting him to say something.

"Well, okay, I guess if you won't introduce yourself, I will. The name's Katie. Please call me Pidge.'

Ohh, so they wanted him to introduce himself, that makes sense, Lance though. Now he felt stupid and his face turned red. He didn't know he would meet someone who seemed so eager to make friends here.

They stuck out a tiny hand enthusiastically and Lance carefully shook it, expecting the books balancing in their other hand to topple over.

Well, it seemed that Lance had met his first new friend, as cliche as it sounded. He felt his spirits lift and smiled nervously.

'You stressed about dorm rooms too?' Lance laughed.

"Don't you know it! They can't figure out what room to put me in! The asses!' Pidge fumed, turning slightly red.

"Huh?" Lance asked intelligently.

"They can't figure out what dorm room to put me in," Pidge repeated, slower this time.

"Oh, why?" Lance asked, still confused. Pidge seemed to understand that he genuinely didn't get it and smiled.

"Oh, I'm non-binary," Pidge said casually with the shrug of the shoulders, glancing up at him quickly.

"Huh?" Lance said again, giving a small smile. He was confused. Suddenly, he wished he hadn't been so sheltered as a child.

"Uh, I use the pronouns they and them." Pidge said with a 'duh' look, but they looked sort of uncoumfortable. Like it was obvious what they had just said.

"Oh, okay?" Lance winced, knowing he would forget that, but hoped he didn't because he would feel terrible.

"Obviously you're not familiar with it, that's fine. Where are you from?" Pidge asked, tilting their head up interestingly and balancing the books carefully with the other hand.

"Oh, I'm from Trinidad," Lance said quietly. Scuffing his old sneakers against the paved walkway.

"Trinidad, Cuba? That's so cool! My parents are from Italy." They said excitedly. Lance brightened up and smiled at them, happy they understood.

 The two stood there talking for almost half an hour until Pidge suddenly got a text. They frowned and angerly typed back.

"They still haven't figured out the room assignments." They said, a stressed look overpassing them. The books in their arms started to topple and Lance quickly dove to straighten them.

It was then Lance remembered their room situation. He wondered if it was allowed for them to room with him. He had no problem with it. At least he would sort of know the person he was dorming with.

"Hey, do you want to dorm with me if it's possible? At least you'll sort of know the person you're staying with." He smiled and nodded over to the sign-in station that was packed with kids. Pidge looked up in surprise.

"Really? You would be okay with that?" They smiled and jumped up and down, dropping one of the books in their hand.

"Yeah. Let's go ask." Lance replied, smiling as they struggled to pick up the book and place it on the stack.

Lance hadn't realized it, but he felt much more comfortable now that he had a friend. They chatted happily as they got in line to set up the dorm arrangements, cracking jokes and laughing.


Happy first chapter-ness

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