Part 6: The Emo Boy

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Lance watched as Pidge and Hunk exchanged annoyed looks as he scrunched down even further in the booth. He had finished his sushi and noodles only a bit ago, and he was busy sneaking glances over the top of the booth and quickly shooting back down to hide. Pidge sighed as Lance started to move again, they were working on finishing their third and last plate of food with Hunk's help.

 Pidge rolled their eyes and spun noodles on their fork as Lance slowly slid upwards, trying to glance over the tall circular booth. His eyes widened as he looked over and Pidge had the urge to glance over for themselves.

"What's happening Lance?" Hunk asked, looking interested in Lance's expression. He set down his fork as he collected his dirty plates.

"Emo boy is on the move," Lance whispered as he not-so-stealthily peeked over the side.

"Emo boy?" Hunk and Pidge asked together loudly.

"SHHHHH! He'll hear you, and yes, he is totally emo. I mean, just look at his hair!" Lance exclaimed, watching as the boy made his way over to the three older looking people on the couches. "He's going over to the three people on the couches"

"Three people on couches?" Pidge asked as Hunk got up to throw away their things on the tray.

"Yeah, you know, the guy and girl with white hair and the freckly guy with the mustache and red hair?" Pidge gave a nod and adjusted their glasses. "Hunk where are you going?" Lance said as he dove down once again.

"To throw away our stuff? Why?" Hunk asked as he started to walk away, tray in hand.

"You can't go anywhere, he'll see you!" Lance whisper-yelled to Hunk, who continued to walk away.

"I don't understand what the big deal is, I'm sure he's a nice guy. And besides, you just don't want him to see you right?" Hunk said, stopping for a moment then moving on to the plate drop.

"Wait Hunk, but he's seen you with me!" Lance called to him as Pidge rolled their eyes.

"Lance calm down, I'm sure he's forgotten about it anyways. Come on." Pidge said as they slid out of the booth, Lance grabbing for them. "Just come on Lance, he's distracted anyway, he won't see you."

"Are you sure?" Lance asked, not quite trusting Pidge on this one.

"Yes, come on! Or Hunk will leave without us." Pidge said as Lance slid out cautiously, peeking around the side to see the boy was still talking to the three. 

Lance was nearly out of the booth when the boy glanced up, his eyes searching around before landing on Lance, who was currently halfway leaning halfway out of the booth. He shot him a wink and Lance nearly landed on his face. When Lance finally caught himself on Pidge he noticed the amused look on the boy's face as his red face. Lance darted out of the room and raced to Hunk, leaving Pidge calling after him and receiving a few strange looks.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Hunk asked as he strolled out of the plate drop off and seeing Lance basically hiding behind the entrance.

"He. Winked. At. Me." Lance forced out as he latched on to Hunk's arm, his face still slightly red.

"Uhhh, okay?" Hunk questioned, patting Lance on the back as Pidge came toward them.

"Ugh, come on Lance. Let's go back to the dorm so we don't have to deal with this anymore." They said, rolling their eyes as Lance detached himself from Hunk.

"You're not being very supportive." Lance pouted, looking both ways before stepping out of the Plate drop off. He didn't see the boy anywhere and figured he must have left.

"Let's go Lance." Pidge smirked at Lance's obvious over-dramatic acting. 


The ride up the elevator was fine and Lance was starting to cool down. They stepped off the elevator and Pidge led the way down the hallway. They turned the corners, the lights getting darker and the dorms looking more and more run down. Lance had heard that these were the scholarship student halls.

Lance let out a sigh, he wouldn't have to see that boy ever again, not if he stayed in his dorm the whole time anyway. They stopped just around their hallway corner so that Hunk could put Pidge on his back, something they had been begging for since they left the cafeteria. Hunk had finally agreed to carry them for the last leg.

"Well, I'm glad that's all ov-" Lance started as he turned the corner, a surprised look shooting over his face. "WHAT?" He exclaimed loudly as Hunk and Pidge came around the corner.

The boy with the red jacket from before was standing there, jiggling his key in the door next to their own. He looked up, flipping a tiny piece of hair out of his eyes as he stopped, frowning a bit. 

"Oh, hey." He then said, a smirk forming as his key finally turned and the dorm unlocked. "Looks like we're neighbors Hot Stuff."

All three of their jaws dropped as the boy stepped into his room, a tiny laugh slipping out as he slammed the door shut, making the nameplate on the door rattle. As it settled, Lance finally knew what the mysterious boy's name was.

Keith...Keith Kogane.


Welcome Keith, to the land of Lance, we hope you enjoy your trip. Just try not to fall to hard.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2018 ⏰

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