Part 5: The Cafeteria

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 Hunk and Lance caught their breath as the elevator doors opened to level one of the huge building. Pidge scrambled out, complaining of smelly boy and Hunk ran a hand through the hair at his shoulders, suddenly looking a little anxious.  

Hunk led the other two down a short hall and onto a flight of stairs. Pidge smiled as they jumped down the last two, and Lance nearly killed himself on a bottle of Gatorade that was left on the top step. Hunk led them around a corner and turned to face the two, motioning with his hands like the ladies on tv. The cafeteria was humongous, to say the least, and it was completely made of glass. Lance and Pidge gaped in awe at all the kids milling about and the huge selection of food to choose from.

"Welcome children, to the best place on this whole damn Earth," Hunk smiled, dropping his hand down to his sides loudly. "They literally have everything you could ever want to eat, it comes with the expensive education thing, ya know?"

"No kidding!" Pidge said excitedly, bouncing on their heels. "I want pizza. No, I want tacos. OHH I know, tacos and pizza! With Ice Cream!"

Pidge bounded off, quickly grabbing a tray from one of the stacks and racing toward another part of the room.

"Don't get lost!" Hunk shouted after them. "Eh, I'm sure their fine," He added, shrugging.

Lance and Hunk stood quietly near the doorway. Hunk motioned for Lance to follow him, grabbing a tray and handing it to him. Leading him to a line with fewer people, Hunk grabbed the tongs to get some sushi and noodles.

"You like Chinese food right?" Hunk asked, placing his tenth California roll on the plate.

"Yeah, it's fine. I've only had it once though." Lance replied as Hunk handed him the tongs and he grabbed a few rolls for himself, as well as some white rice.

Hunk then led him to a whole other part of the caf, where there were barely any people. It was slightly closed off from the main room and had a few couched thrown around with the occasional table. Lance counted six people in all, one couple who had seemingly bleached their hair together arguing over a book on a couch with a red-haired boy sitting at their side, and another couple who were rocking the whole edgy colored hair and clothes look.

Suddenly, Lance stopped, his eyes darting to the last of the six people sitting in the room. Hunk looked back at him, concerned. 

The boy from the elevator was there, sitting on a loveseat with his feet up on the table next to him. He was reading a book and sipping out of a sprite, all while looking fabulous with his painted black nails peaking out from his giant red sweatshirt. Lance's heart skipped a beat, remembering how he had looked him up and down in the elevator. Lance shivered as his eyes skipped back and forth between Hunk and the boy.

"What? Something wrong Lance?" Hunk asked, coming closer.

"N-no nothing's wrong. Can't we sit somewhere else?" Lance stuttered, looking away from the boy, who had finished his soda, and was aiming to throw it in the recycling a few feet from himself.

"Why, what's wrong with sitting here?" Hunk shrugged, looking around and landing his gaze on Lance, who was again looking at the boy in the red sweatshirt. Lance averted his eyes, making Hunk glance to where he had been looking. "Oh, do you have a problem with that guy?"

"W-what gay-I mean guy!?" Lance covered his mouth, blushing furiously in his embarrassment. He slowly looked up from the floor to meet Hunk's confused face.

"Smooth Lance, very smooth." Pidge sighed, coming up behind Lance with a tray full of three plates. "Let's just go sit over in that corner where that guy can't see you ok?" They nodded their head toward the only blocked off booth in the room, and Lance nodded back at them.

As the three crossed the floor, Lance picked up his gaze to glance at the boy, who he noticed, had put up half of his hair in a ponytail. Lance's blush increased as he glanced at his shiny black hair, the little tendrils curling around his pierced ears.

Suddenly, the boy glanced up from his book with his dark, dark blue eyes, looking straight at Lance, who nearly died on spot. He raced past Pidge and Hunk as he practically dove into the booth, startling both of them.

"Oh God, he saw me." Lance wined as he sunk down in the seat.

"And what's so bad about that?" Hunk asked as he and Pidge sat down very calmly, a little smirk placed on Pidge's face.

"What's so bad about that? What do you mean 'what's so bad about that'? It's the end of everything!" Lance exclaimed, making furious hand motions all over the place.

"Stop being a drama queen, it's not the end of the world if a cute boy checks you out," Pidge said as they rolled their eyes, taking a bite of a piece of pinapple pizza, making Hunk wince.

"He was not checking me out!" Lance said loudly, making the three on the couches look over.

"Yeah, okay." Pidge rolled their eyes again as Hunk tried to cover up his smile.


I am currently sitting in a freezing hotel lobbey in a giant sweatshirt, it has rained for a full week now. My plants have drowned, and I think I'm next.

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