Author's Intro

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Hey peeps.

This is my first official fan fiction
Or whatever u amazing people want to call it.

Yeah. I suck at writing author's notes...


I'll just cut to the chase, or whatever the heck it's called these days.

List of fifteen things that I hope y'all are not judgmental about (cue smiley face)

1. As I said, this is my first officially official Wattpad fanfiction so please don't judge my works. As I have written elsewhere. If I so happen to get a comment (because I am soo unpopular right now) It shouldn't be rude or anything like that, please. (Because I don't appreciate it) I really do hate to sound mean or rude about it too, sorry if y'all take it the wrong way. But constructive criticism is always appreciated!

2. I make grammar mistakes guys, Almost everybody does...
Except the valadvictorian (did I spell that right?) In the local prison I just happen to attend every day. Except for weekends (also known as school)
Yeah...he's right about everything. I would hate him, but I just can't because he's a CUTIE!!

3. I like to rant. Literally about like nothing.

4. I am a class 1 nerd, and am proud to say it. Because nerds rule.

5. I am a blonde. And if you have any criticism about it...
(insert curse word here) off. Okay?

6. Sometimes (only a little bit!) I am a clichè writer, So deal with it. I am not the most professional either. So don't judge.

7. I am hopelessly in love with a guy who couldn't care less
*crys in corner*
And any advise would be helpful
(Unattractively blows nose)

8. I don't do curse words. No offense, but I think they're unreasonable.
Except if they are needed badly. Then they are slightly more classy than usual. I'll say (write) things if i'm feeling it's needed. But that's it

9. Usually not a very good updater. Hehe.

10. I'm a vegetarian.🌽 You carnivores can go enjoy their dead animal carrcasses, I don't judge.

11. Once again, I don't judge. I'm not specific to any race, religion, or anything different from myself, I believe we are all equal. So no nasty comments.

12. You can imagine my characters however you like, I might say that someone has a specific trait, like hair color, but you can let your imagination run free here. 

13. I don't do plagerism. So neither should you🙈. And if you do copy my work I will hunt you down, find you, and get you(send you away to the proper authorities😸). Soooo... I'm warning you.

14. I do not own the characters featured in this story. They belong to Dreamwork's Voltron Legendary Defender.

15. I know the ships in Voltron have been getting intense lately. This story contains klance and some others. I will not accept nasty things said about anyone or any ship, so as I said before, your comment will be deleted.

And for the awesomely amazing people who stuck around to read this part...

If there even is anybody.
*echos down a lonely reader count*

Thanks a billion!!!

✌Peace out✌ 


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