Part 4: The Roommate

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Pidge skipped down the hallway with Lance trailing awkwardly behind them, hanging his head. Pidge tilted their head back and smiled excitedly,

"I can't wait to meet our roommate, I wonder if he's taking any of our classes." They suddenly stopped and turned, seeing Lance's face, "Hey, are you okay?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm fine." He said, a quick smile appearing on his face. 

"Hey, I didn't mean to offend you or anything back at the elevator. I won't talk about it to anyone." They said, looking concerned.

"There's nothing to talk about!" Lance said quickly. Pidge looked surprised at his outburst, making him feel bad. "I mean, you didn't offend me. Please, can we not talk about this?"

Pidge nodded their head sullenly, continuing their walk down the hall to their dorm. Their steps had lost the excitement they had had before.

Soon they turned the last corner in the hall and Pidge pointed out their dorm to Lance, number 425. The lights flickered and the floor creaked as they crossed it. It was the last dorm in the entire hall, a hall which looked a little less cared for then the others. His eyes focused on the faded red door next to it. 

"Woah, cool, we're right next to the fire exit!" Pidge skipped once, their backpack nearly throwing them into the wall.

"A beat up fire exit, that is. One that barely looks functional." Lance rolled his eyes at their excitement, it was only a fire exit after all.

"Come on Grumpy, let's go meet our roommate!" Pidge sighed and knocked on the wooden door.

There was no answer. They silently waited for a moment.

Pidge knocked louder this time and glanced back at Lance.

"Maybe nobody's in there. Do you have the key?" Lance shrugged and nodded toward their backpack.

"I'm sure someone's in there, maybe they're just sleeping?" Pidge said. "I'll knock again."

As Pidge's hand went up to door once more, it suddenly swung open. Pidge and Lance jumped and Pidge gave out a little shriek.

One of the biggest guys Lance had ever seen was standing in the doorway, shirtless, he might add. A quiet Dios Mio slipped out of his mouth before he could stop it. The guy gave them a very annoyed look and rubbed his eyes like a little kid. Pidge and Lance were silent.

"Hey, what's up?" The big guy said in a deep voice, "you must be my roommates, right?"

"Yes, in fact, we are. You must be Hunk, I'm Pidge and this is Lance." Pidge lit up, sticking their tiny hand out to shake Hunk's.

Hunk smiled down at them and engulfed their hand with his. Lance stood quietly with his suitcase in hand when Hunk turned to shake his. Lance reluctantly shook Hunk's and gave a small smile. Lance hated shaking people's hand, it made everything feel too formal. Why would a seventeen-year-old be shaking people's hands anyway, he's seventeen.

"Well, come on in! They'll be bringing up another bed in a little bit so get yourself comfortable." Hunk said as he led them into the small dorm and plunked down on a yellow beanbag. How he got a beanbag through check-in, Lance had no idea. "I hope it's okay if you two take the bunk bed, I have trouble with small spaces." He laughed as he tied a bandana around his shoulder-length brown hair.

"That's fine with me, thanks for letting me stay in here by the way." Pidge smiled, scoping out the room, "Lance? Are you okay with bottom bunk?

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine. I don't like heights so have at it." Lance said, plopping his suitcase down on the bed.

Pidge carefully placed their large backpack down and climbed up the latter to their bed. Lance watched as he silently unpacked his small suitcase as they proceded to flop on the bed and sigh loudly. Lance ignored them as they smacked their hands down on the bare, plastic covered bed with a loud slap.

"What's wrong? Hunk said as he looked up from his phone. Lance opened up the top drawer and placed his shirts and his favorite blue sweatshirt in it.

"I'm bored!" They sighed again, even louder this time. "Let's go somewhere!"

"We just got here. Why don't you unpack your bags." Lance said as he rustled around his bag, looking for his skinny jeans.

"Yeah, well that's boring! I want to do something fun." Pidge said as they sat up quickly. Hunk looked up from his phone again and picked up a schedule, flipping the pages loudly.

"Well, we can go down to lunch if you want, it ends in an hour." Hunk said, closing the booklet and slowly getting up from the bean bag.

"Yeah! Let's do that, I'm reaaally hungry. The last time I ate was like an hour and a half ago." Pidge said as they scrambled down the latter quickly, nearly kicking Lance in the face on the way down. Hunk gave them a questioning look.

"I could eat." Hunk shrugged, grabbing his room key and wallet. "Lance?"

"Huh? Oh yeah, sure, let's go." Lance said as he shut the drawer he was color coordinating."Let me grab my wallet."

Soon the three were walking down the hall, wallets in hand. Pidge looked up at the others and smiled mischievously.

"The last one to the elevator has to pay for lunch!" They screamed as they started sprinting down the hallway, nearly knocking over a freckled read-head who quickly jumped out of the way. "Sorry!" They yelled back.

Lance and Hunk looked at each other, then took off running after Pidge.

They were neck and neck the whole way until Hunk started pulling ahead. Lance sprinted even faster around the last corner when suddenly Hunk's yellow wallet slipped out of his hand and flew backward. Lance yelled in victory as he barreled into the open elevator and into the wall, breathless. A few seconds later, hunk lumbered in, wallet in hand and a defeated look on his face. Lance and Pidge gave his a little space as he collapsed against the wall.

Pidge laughed as they pressed the first-floor button as Hunk wheezed and coughed. Lance slid down the wall, muttering in Spanish about how he was dying.

"Well, that sure was fun, huh guys?" Pidge smiled as the doors closed.


Hey my dudes,

Sorry for the little break there, I'm at a swim camp at a university and the wifi sucks here, had to fight nail and tooth just to post this.

Love ya, byeee

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