25 days

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Dear Sam,

Hey, baby. I saw you frown at my letter yesterday, but thank God your friends we're there to cheer you up. I wish I can do that. Please, don't be sad anymore. I love you. Remember that. You're beautiful, gosh I can't say it enough. I hate making you sad. I don't like to worry you. I was just tired and was really wanting to hold you, but felt sad knowing I can't. It sucks it really does, but I learn to cope. I hope you can too. Love you. 25 days, babe.


Sam smiled as he traced his fingers over the words 'I love you' leaving a light tint of pink on his cheeks. He looked around the neighborhood as thoughts of Colby flooded his mind. He hoped to catch at least a small glimpse of his guardian angel. Not knowing what he looked like, didn't help at all either. For all he knows he could see his guardian angel every single day and not even know it. He goes back inside taking one last glance around the front yard before stepping inside. He goes to his room and grabs a pen and paper smiling to himself as he begins to write Colby back.

Dear Colby,

Hey, love. Hope I can call you that, haha. My friends are pretty great and they always make me feel better. Don't worry that'll be you soon. I've never seen you before nor do I know you, but I feel like I know every fact about you. Using the curiosity you seem to love so much, can I know your eye and hair color?  Just to give me a brief description. 25 days...  🖤

                   Sammy :)

He folded the letter and took it outside putting it in the place of Colby's. He smiled softly taking one last glance around before turning his attention to the darkening sky. He sits on the steps and watches as a flock of birds fly by, off into the sunset in a V shape. Hoping and wishing his mysterious Guardian Angel would come sooner.

「 dear sam → solby 」✓Where stories live. Discover now