15 + jeongames

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jelly bean: wait what
jelly bean: when
jelly bean: why

twathyung: dont u want me to visit u
twathyung: very rude of u
twathyung: and kinda illogical
twathyung: considering u like me ;))

jelly bean: im just gonna ignore that
jelly bean: why r u coming

twathyung: cant i pay my favorite mashed potato papi a visit?

jelly bean: we agreed that u visiting is just gonna raise suspicion

twathyung: what if no one finds out?

jelly bean: its a risk not worth taking

twathyung: well fuck you too

jellybean: well i did


jelly bean: deal w it

twathyung: fuck off fulc off fickcm ogf

jelly bean: geez u cant take a joke can u

twathyung: what i cant take rn is u

jelly bean: then dont

twathyung: fine

jelly bean: ok but why r we even bickering

twathyung: im not bickering
twathyung: im simply upset u think im not worth the "risk"
twathyung: :)

jelly bean: i cant believe you
jelly bean: you really dont get it, do you?

twathyung: jeongguk, you're gonna have to come out eventually
twathyung: plus, loads of other youtubers are being shipped w their friends and that doesn't stop them from hanging out

jelly bean: well i dont feel good about all this and if i dont want you to visit cuz of that you gotta respect it
jelly bean: if not you are waisting my time

twathyung: wow fuck off

jelly bean: you got it

Jeongguk almost threw his phone at the wall with frustration. Taehyung really just doesn't grasp the concept of homophobic parents, ready fo kick you out at the slightest possibility you're anything, but straight. He gripped his hair, pulling it, walking around his room like an animal in a cage.

Seconds later, Jimin opened the door, holding a bowl of popcorn. They were at Jeongguk's to watch movies, but once Jimin senses how upset his best friend was, it would turn into a therapy session.

"My third eye is telling me something is wrong," the short boy immediately said, pulling Jeongguk to sit down on the bed with him, "It's also telling me that it has to do with a certain male named Taehyung. Is my third eye right?"

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