chapter 13

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I awoke to the sound... well more the feeling of his lips all over my back. My lids fluttered open; a sleepy, puffy lip smile split my lips. His arms were around my waist, our legs tangled together. My panties were still off... oops.  But at this point it was pure serenity.

"Good morning." I said. He smiled against my back, continuing to plant small pecks up my spine.  "Good morning," he replied in between steaming kisses. He rolled me over, my chest collapsing on to his. I let my head rest on my bent arms. My arms crossed over his rock hard, well defined pecks.

"I love this look." He said propping his head up with his arms.

"And what look would that be?" I inquired, his words peeking my interests.

He smirked, like it was obvious. "This 'still half asleep look' I like it. Your eyes are still a little puffy, and your bottom lip is a little swollen from chewing on it." "It's very sexy." A heat rose in my cheeks.

"You don't really believe that do you?" I asked disbelieving what I was hearing.

His brows puckered. "Believe what?" I looked down, my finger drawing circles on his skin.

"That I'm sexy." My voice was quiet. Red was all over my face and neck. James moved his hands under the blankets, his fingers dragging down the curve of my hips, down to my ass where he expanded his hand across the skin. I brought my leg up, bending the knee all the way.

"I do. I really, really do." He turned serious. "I think it's sexy how you smile when something so ridiculous happens, and that dimple on your cheek when you do. I find it sexy when you're serious and the frown you make when you're thinking. And what I find the most sexy about you is this ass," he squeezed. I giggled into my arm. "and I find it the most amazingly sexy is that," he crept closer. "you don't even know that you are." I was hyper aware of his hands, a continuing pulse of soft sparks that he was sending. This was different. Being like this with someone. I was so used to being alone in my bed, but now, I couldn't think of going to bed alone. Not having James' arms around me, telling me sweet things couldn't be better. My life felt like still water, instead of its normal rippled version of my old life. I moved my body up, closing the microscopic distance that had separated our lips. Our kiss was slow, full of meaning, promise of new, wonderful things to come. His lips felt soft, they tasted liked morning. I could feel James smile. I stopped kissing him, giggling. He kissed all over my mouth, every inch of it.

"You know," I stated. "I find this whole 'no shirt thing' very sexy. I like it." He smirked, lips twisting into a devilish grin.

He squeezed both cheeks, pulling a squeal out from my mouth. His hands started tickling me. My body squirmed on top of his.

His brow crocked up. "Ticklish huh?" he began tickling all up my back, legs, stomach, squishing my belly. I screamed with delight. "Stop. Please I can't take it!" I thrashed in the sheets, ripping, molding them together.

"Not until you say uncle." He spoke out in a playful tone. "I won't do it. I swear I won't." My hands tried pushing his away desperately for relief. I laughed so hard that my stomach started to ache with pain. The lower half of my body was tied up in the sheets constricting any movement. James continued to tickle me, his body directly over mine. His lips crashed to mine, his arms pulling my petite form up against his. My arms wrapped around his neck, James muscles hardening under me, my back arching to fit him. I pulled away.

"Uncle." He laughed blowing out morning breath. I made an 'ick' face. "Last time I kiss you in the morning." I pushed him off me. "Toothbrush, mint, now." One last kiss and he pulled himself off the bed; his fine ass walking away from me was amazing. It was taunt, big and muscular. Just like the rest of him. As I lay in the wrecked sheets of the bed, a warm feeling grew in my torso. A warm fuzzy feeling like warm tea with honey when you're sick toasted my insides. James came out of the bathroom, his beautiful face smiling like a six year old boy who walked into a candy store. His black boxers fit so well. It was ridiculous. Talk about drooling.

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