chapter 14

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After our water fight/dirty make out session, James and I walked over to our tents to lie down. "Can you help me?" I held a bottle of sun block.

"With pleasure." He smiled. I flopped down to my towel stomach first. James with his calloused hands carefully undid my single bikini strap around my back. A cool curl of sun block dropped on my back followed my James' warm hands massaging it into my skin. I moaned with delight. His masterful fingers pushed gracefully into my back, shoulder blades, hips, arms.

"There. All done." I grunted in distress. "What no. That can't be it!" I protested.

His hands came up with his head looking down. "Your card has been declined. Any sort of payment will not be accepted." My card huh? That's sounds like a challenge.

"Is that a Challenge Mr. Alpha?"

"Can't say for sure. What's the offer?" He asked. I flipped on my back, sticking my chest out, awkwardly trying be sexy. "What's the proposal?" I bit my bottom lip.

"I say you can't chug one little of straight ice tea without getting a brain Freeze. Not just the regular stuff, I mean the ones that come out of a freezer." I gave him a 'really that's all?' look. What was he like eight years old. I crane my head up.

"That's it?" my brow lifted. "That's all you've got?" Jumping to my feet, one hand grabbed my cardigan; the other grabbed my shades from the bag, then my sandals. I slipped them on.

"Are you going? Because I want to win this challenge."

"And if you lose?" he asked. Intriguing. What if I lost? I have to be realistic though, I wasn't going to lose.

"I won't you should know that. I chose dare even if truth is an option." That was blatantly obvious. Not once in my life had I ever backed down from a fight, dare, wrong doing. I was just made that way. Nothing ever fired me up more than a challenge. Revenge was something I craved. Something that I needed to function. It was my crack.

"Challenged accepted. Let's go." I ran off ahead of him. A small bar stool with small Hawaiian torches lit the little hut. A smoothie machine with three flavours and a chalk board menu written in different colours made the whole summer feeling stand out.

"One tall glass of ice tea with a hand full of ice cubes." I told a blonde girl with a white polo shirts. "This guy's paying btw." I threw my thumb at James who was sitting on a stool beside me.

"Uh what?" he gave me a dumbfounded look. "You dared me. You're paying." I said all matter-of-factly. He slapped a ten on the wooden counter. The girl flashes James a flirting smile.

"No problem." Her eyes roamed all over James' exposed chest. Her perfectly manicured sun kissed finger dragged along her upper lip. James was looking at me, but Blondie was drooling all over my boyfriend. My head turned to look at James. His eyes revealing all the excitement. My hand wrapped around the back of his neck, pulling him in for a kiss. Our lips tangled. I moaned a load, way over exaggerated so blonde-bimbo will take the hint that this Wolf was all mine. I pushed my tongue into his beautiful mouth. This kiss was incredible. Pulling apart, I stared her right in the eyes, dragging my tongue over my teeth with my mouth open. It made a high squeezing sound. My brow shot up for only a second sealing my message in. James was awe struck. The kiss we just shared was really hot. Almost a little too hot for what I was comfortable with. But a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.

I grinned at her. My lips splitting apart in a saucy smirk. "Thanks." I said, a little too nice. She walked away looking less than pleased. Mission accomplished.

"What was that for?" James interrogated. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Nothing. Why?"

"Because you basically ate my face off in front an employee. Which by the way, you can barely take Michelle's public kissing without cringing. So why the public kiss?"

Alpha's Girl (The Silas Pack Series: Book 1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant